Holding On To Keep This Strong (Ch. 40)

Nov 15, 2013 16:57

Title: Holding On To Keep This Strong
Pairing: Alex Gaskarth/Jack Barakat
Chapter Rating/Warnings: Mild language
Summary: Alex is starting his first year of teaching and Jacks going into his senior year...Simple life transitions are giving them both more than they'd ever bargained for.
Disclaimer: This is fiction, I don't own anyone mentioned.

Alex shrugged his coat on over his shoulders, finally ready to head out and meet Kyle and his new boyfriend. He was actually pretty excited to meet him with the way Kyle had been talking about him non stop. And from what he heard Austin seemed to be an all around pretty good guy. Worked at a book store on campus, was from further upstate which was a pretty nice place to come from, and most of all treated Kyle the way he deserved. Sure Kyle had complained about a few missed phone calls but they were nothing major nor anything any other boyfriend wouldn't do.

About half an hour later Alex was walking into one of the local bars immediately spotting the peroxide blond boy he was looking for.

"Kyle!" Alex said enthusiastically as he neared his friend.

"Lex, hey!" Kyle responded, enveloping his best friend in a hug before turning to the taller man standing behind him. "Alex this is Austin, Austin, Alex."

The teacher smiled at Austin and reached out to shake his hand. He was a tall guy with brown hair slicked back giving him a male model type of look, green-hazel eyes only accenting that look. Just as his small amount of facial hair accented his jaw line. Appearance wise Alex had to give Kyle his props on his new boyfriend.

Hopefully his personality would own up to the look.


"What do you think of him?" Kyle asked while he and Alex were alone Austin having went to the bathroom.

"He's nice. I dunno, it's weird having to meet a guy with you...I'm so used to already knowing him." Alex finished with a shrug. He did like Austin, he seemed really nice. But then again so did Travis and they both knew how things had ended with him not that long ago. He doubted that Austin was anything like him but he'd like to spend more time with them together after tonight before really giving Kyle a sound opinion.


"Thats not what I mean and I wasn't talking about him either. Even when you guys weren't together you'd just have to say the name of the other guy you were interested in and I knew who it was. I don't like the whole get to know the new boyfriend and weigh in your approval thing."

"Yeah but I've done it for you."

"Barely. I dated two people in college and those relationships only lasted a month each."

"I met a couple one night stands."

"I never asked approval of who I sleep with. They don't count."

"Fine. But I'm just going to assume you like Austin and think we should adopt cute lil' babies together."

"Whatever makes you happy Kyle."

"He makes me happy." Kyle smiled softly, blood filling his cheeks turning them a soft shade of pink.

"Good. I wouldn't want you with anyone who did anything other than making you happy."

"Thanks Lex...uh how're things?" Kyle said, now turning around for a moment looking at Austin who seemed to have gotten pulled into someone's conversation across the bar.

"He went back home today." Alex sighed, trying his best not to use Jack's name in public though he saw little harm in it.

"Oh, Lex I'm sorry."

"Its alright. We're still together and as far as I know completely in a stable place."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Unless something terrible happens to one of us personally I think we'll easily make it through the next couple months."

"Im happy you two are good then." The peroxide blond boy sighed for a moment before continuing. "What about Oli?"

"He's good. I think he may like someone but I'm kind of in the way of it right now. He doesn't have the heart to ask if we can stop just yet though."

"Well don't you need him until at least next month?"

"Yeah but I'm pretty sure it'll be okay without him. Besides I've been holding him back long enough without even being around him. I think maybe it's time to just let him go."

"Oh, speak of the devil." Kyle murmured pointing his chin to the door where none other than Oli was walking in with a brunette hanging on his arm. If Alex was guessing correctly that brunette was Josh, the same one Oli never shut up about. "That guy he's got all over him is a looker though. Definitely not from here though."

"Yeah, he's French...I'm gonna go say hi."

"Lex do you really think that's a good idea?"

"No...but I've got something to do. I'll be back in a second."

Alex was already walking off before Kyle had a chance to stop him. He reached Oli and who he assumed was Josh a few moments later, Oli staring wide eyed at him.

"Uh...hey Oli." He said softly trying his best to act somewhat sad. He might as well make what he was about to do believable.

"Oh, hey babe. Uhm, this is Josh."

"Yeah I guessed. Hi, I'm Oli's boyfriend." He said flashing Josh a fake smile.

"Oh, yeah. I've heard a lot about you." An accented voice sounded back that definitely was not British. "You're really lucky to have him." He continued looking at the floor.

"Yeah...Oli can I borrow you for a sec?"

"Uh...yeah sure."

"Great." Alex took ahold of Oli's hand and pulled him off towards a secluded corner of the bar. "You don't have to do this anymore."

"Do what?"

"Pretend to date me. In the nicest way possible I'm fake breaking up with you."

"Lex, what're you doing? You know you're not clear until May. You've still got a month and two weeks on me. I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Nothing's gonna happen, I swear. Listen go out with him finish out tonight and ask him out okay? He clearly likes you."

"You think Josh likes me?"

"Yes, he was all over you when you came in here. He likes you and did you see the face he made when I said we were dating? He likes you."

"So you think I should ask him out?"

"Yes, or turn this into a date just go get back to him."

"Thanks Lex...uh...I really don't know what to say, I love you would be too weird considering t-"

"I love you too you big goof. Now go get back to him."

Oli simply smiled at him before crossing the bar to sit next to Josh at the bar stools. Which in turn only made Alex smile too. He had to admit it felt pretty great doing the only good thing he could for Oli. And hey maybe something good would come out of it for him too.


Alex made it home at around eleven, dead tired but not too tired to not call Jack before going to bed.

Tonight had turned out alright, he'd decided that Austin was pretty alright and he wouldn't mind seeing him by Kyle's side. And from the looks of it Oli and Josh had gotten along fine seeing as after Alex had left Oli their faces were attached at the lips nearly all night.

All of their lives were seemingly perfect and all that he and Jack had to do at this point was wait. They were good at that anyway, one month and exactly two weeks and they'd be done waiting. They could handle that, no complications other than the small arguments here and there...he and Jack were in the clear at this point. And God it felt good knowing that.

A/N: Who has a bad feeling now? Anyone? Yes? No?
lol my friends gave me feedback so now I'm mixing things up within the next few chapters. Not sure if cute noises or uh ohs ensue yet.

pairing: alex gaskarth/jackbarakat, chaptered: holding on to keep this stron

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