Oct 27, 2010 23:59
Ah to have my own planet, an entire world of my own creation. A place not of perfection, but of enough. No people are on my planet. Its untouched by the blighted touch of man. There are animals, and magical creatures everywhere. Real, and unreal anything that could be thought up is there someplace. Giant turtles with trees growing from their backs, Pheonix's that fly down from floating islands, Caves with bats thatre made of pure electricity that illuminate the darkness. Trees that twist and reach to the sky, with fruits so delicious and filling you only need one. Trees that bear fruit that can transform you into animals, or a spirit, even into a plant yourself for as long as you please. Plants that bloom in beautiful colors, and they strand togeather to make clothes that feel as soft and comfortable as rose petals, so instead of changing clothes, you can just pick new ones, and let your old ones wilt into the soil and birth new ones. Forests seemingly endless with birds that sing beautifully, and trees with folding bark, with stories written in them. Everything communicates with each other on a almost spiritual level, and works in complete Harmony. The weather changes, instead of berametric pressure, on emotional pressure in certain places. Still being random most everywhere, but some places will be special Havens, where you dont even have to think or wish for a warm rain, it just happens when it should. A world without wants. Gravity changes from place to place. some you can walk as normal, some you can hover and fly, and since everything is connected you can desolve into the air, and appear anywhere you desire. There will be happy places, and even dark places of lava, and fire, and dragons, where the sky's always clouded by smoke, and its dangerous to traverse. Bands of mischevious imps, Just where nearly anything can happen anywhere at anytime. Almost nothing is completely certain, constantly changing, never getting to repetitious. Even some landscapes change daily, and time is just an idea. Some islands might cycle through a year in the course of an hour on another. you could go from one island to another, then back and it be completely diffrent, with new species of animals never seen before. Groves and gardens. Trees with leaves giant, and thick and fluffy, perfect for naps and rest. Rivers of tea, and the freashest water with jewelry for riverstones. Anything you could ever want to do can be done. Adventures to be had, dangers, beauty. A huge underground system of caves, where each cavern echos out diffrent musics, to get lost in a soundscape. Deserts formed by sand made from the dreams of everything. Where the desert rocks are screens that dreams had can be watched on and revisited with a prick from a catus that grows there. Clouds of hope, where you could walk on them, breath them in and know peace. Nights so clear you can see the multiple moons glowing politely. You can whim fireflies to light a path for you, and wonder to pumpkin patches, where the vines grow into a gazebo, or a path that can lead to a snow covered hill, with sledrocks, or to a mysterious stump with a root ladder going into a hole to a land of ghouls, and hidden beauties that can only be forged in such a dark place. You can still get hurt, there's still fear, its not perfect, but perfects boring. Everyday is fresh and new, and full of infinate possiablilites.