
Jan 17, 2010 14:09

Well last night was... interesting. Mitch and I rolled out to hang with Charlie Murphey and Melanie. Smoked a couple bowls, and talked about airplanes, and jumping out of them. Then its like 2 am, and Mitch is like "yup, its about time to be hittin' that ol' dusty trail" so I'm cool with it, have enough time to get home and hop online... but NO, instead he's like "yeah, we're goin' over Lances" and Oh god, did things just go downhill from there. We get there, and he's got a FAT one rolled, so we're tokin' it again down there, while he has some music plain on his projection screen, and his girlfriend finally gets home... drunk. Oh God, She's one of the most unattractive girls on the face of the world, without a doubt. But She comes stumbling down the stairs, like "Lance, I need you inside me!" Mitch and I are like "Oh fuck" So she grabs him, and DRAGS him into the back room of the basement, and mitch and I cant stop laughing. We hear her moaning, and Mitch is like "Yeah, i'm gonna go upstairs and piss.... " I was like "... Sweet, I'm down here with the joint to myself infront of a projection screen" I completely forgot they were back there, and I'm like dancing and moving funny watching my shadow, when they finally step back. But He got his revenge, at one point she was like "You Guys were here before I was (completely trashed out of her mine) was lance fucking another chick?!" and we're like "naw, He's been good" a few mintures later she was like "Man i wish some chicks were here" and lance says "Baby, you promise you wont be mad?" "shes like "nooo of course not" and he goes to the laundry room like someones in there and says "Alright, sweetie, you can come out" OH GOD< Lances girlfriend kicked in the door and started throwing shit in there and yelling then was finally like "Theres nobody in here" and we all died. Then She gets him back by being like "Come on, baby choke me with this scarf" and he's just sittin there like "whatever" and does it, then she totally acts like she cant breathe, and he falls for it. once again, Mitch and I die. Then her huge drunk ass staggers around, and sits on the arm of the couch falls over, and knocks over the pepsi, and a lamp. She's like "OMG I'm so sorry!" just so sincere and hilarious. She's like "is it ok?" Lancer's like "yeah the lamp broke its fall" then when he goes to pick up the lamp he acts like he's getting shocked and falls over. She freaks out, and once again lance, Mitch, and I die laughing. Thats about the end of it other than random high babbel about shit. I Do remember mitch and I couldnt light a joint for 10 minutes, cause he was about to light it, then I went to light it for him, and he was looking at both lighters like "Oh fuck, which one do I use" and that look made me bust out, and then that made him bust out, and God we were fried.

After all that, we head home, by now its 5 am. But good Ol' lancer gave me half a J. So when I got home, I was like "Man, I havent sat on a roof in forever" so I decided to get up there. I'm just sittin up there, staring at the stars, smokin' it up, and just thinking about everything. Like I like to pick out a star, and that's my star. its never a big or bright one, but every night I look up at them, I pickk one, and its mine for the night. i was thinking about I might outlive that star, but not even know it, cause it takes so long for the light to reach. Then I started thinking about all the possabilities of everything, being born, and all the things that set my life in motion for me to be where I am now, but more importantly who I am, and then as always Laura, and sadly, she wasnt on, but its probably good cause i'd of gotten into another lovey spew of how awesome I think she is, and how much I love her, as I do every so often. But still, as I was watching the sun come up, I knew everything was gonna be alright forever.
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