Jan 29, 2005 15:39
SO here in florida again.. On friday, while everyone was in school back out home, I chilled most of the time by myself (mom and aunt ginger were getting their hair done and a massage, which mom really needed because of her stupid shoulder problems... I feel bad for her they hurt her a lot!). Then I started the second book in the series of the book that I had finished on the airplane, and as of now I am about 230 pgs into it. Yes I had a lot of free time yesterday to read! which is awesome! anyhoo... later on that evening mom, aunt g. and I picked up one of aunt g's friends and we went to an italien place for dinner. The women who mom, aunt g and my grandparents (who were not with us at this time) are friends with, and is also there massage therapist joins us at the resteraunt. I had heard a little bit about her but not much. Supposidly she once was a man.... yes a man.... You could tell even with the absence of (you know what i mean) and the fact that she had breasts, you could still definetly tell. Her voice was too deep to be a womens, she was largly tall, and she had man hands! thats how you can tell really is in the hands. no matter what surgery you really cant change the hands. but she still was a fairly prettyish women for having once been a man and was really nice. so I had risotto with mushrooms for dinner, resisted dessert (which everyone had!) and then I drove home because I was the DD!!! They had all had about 5 glasses of wine each or so, and of course not letting me have any. Then we went home, read and slept.