When there is a lot of time between someone's journal entries it means one of two things: things are good or things are bad. Oddly enough, my situation lies somewhere inbetween and things aren't as black and white as I prefer. Complications, I'm convinced, are an inevitable evil in our world. Even if we manage to take things and boil them down and draw a line in the sand, we realize later, and often too late, that we lied to ourselves the entire time.
How can you measure life? How can you quantify things that have no material value? How can you objectively assign numbers to variables and then believe that the outcome is correct? Even if you are able to accept the fact that you can't do it, the answer to the question is still just as unknown.
It's almost Thanksgiving break and I'm looking forward to no school for a while. Unfortunately, I have three papers due this Thursday. One is a revised copy of a twelve-page paper, one is a short three-page paper on The Servant of Two Master, and the last one is a three-page paper based on my presentation on guest-host relationships in The Odyssey.
The Bottom Line Online is getting a face lift soon. We are changing the design to get rid of the messy left navigation bar and replace it with a neat and simple drop-down menu that will sit at the top of the site. You can check out the test design by clicking
Also, we are trying to get two new staff to help me with the website. It was decided that I would need a small team to help out with the website so that it was taken advantage of fully. I've never really been in charge of people in a work setting before so it should prove a decent test of my abilities to lead. With that said, the online edition of The Bottom Line is becoming increasingly impressive, and I doubt many would agrue otherwise.
I've created
a blog dedicated to gaming news and culture. Why? Well, this personal live journal just can't suffice anymore. I need a new outlet for my creative and professional writing. I mean, don't get me wrong, this journal has been absolutely awesome since I started it over two years ago, but it isn't exactly something I want a lot of people to visit. It may seem contradictory because it would be just as easy to make it private, which would eliminate the privacy issue. I guess my main point is that I want it to be accessable, but not widely known? Does that make sense? No? Oh well.
Anyway, my gaming blog is also called
The AT Wire(I know, I need a new title!) and so far I'm really liking
Word Press. I like the easy way I can embed
YouTube vidoes, etc. Since it is dedicated to my gaming interests, I don't feel as wierd pointing people I don't know to it. If I said, "Hey, check out my live journal," people would see the most recent post, but what is stopping them from digging in my archives? But, if I point them to this new blog, the worst they can do is look at my gaming posts, which don't reveal things I may not want them to know.
I wanna have the same last dream again,
the one where I wake up and I'm alive.
Just as the four walls close me within,
my eyes are opened up with pure sunlight.
I'm the first to know,
my dearest friends,
even if your hope has burned with time,
Anything that's dead shall be regrown,
and your vicious pain, your warning sign,
you will be fine.
Any type of love - it will be shown,
like every single tree reach for the sky.
If you're gonna fall,
I'll let you know,
that I will pick you up
like you for I,
I felt this thing,
I can't replace.
Where everyone was working for this goal.
Where all the children left without a trace,
only to come back, as pure as gold,
To recite this all.