On the effectiveness of the use of number series created by Grigori Grabovoi

Jan 07, 2022 15:15

This is one of the Expert Opinions on the effectiveness of the use of number series created by Grigori Grabovoi

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Hello! My name is Nikolai Vasilyevich Butin.
I have a higher education, graduated from the Institute of National Economy with Specialty Mechanized processing of economic information and have a diploma qualification of an Engineer-economist.
I got acquainted with the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi in 2004.
I got my initial knowledge about control methods using number series from G.P. Grabovoi's training lectures and from his works I studied, such as: "Resurrection of people and eternal life from now on is our reality!", "Restoration of the human body by concentrating on numbers", "Unified system of knowledge ", "Exercises for every day of the month".

In the process of studying the basics of the Teachings, I learned that Grigori Grabovoi creates number series using his abilities of controlling clairvoyance and forecasting. In the process of creating number series, he determines numbers and directs events so that in order to ensure eternal life for everyone, for everyone who uses his number series, personal creative goals are successfully realized. And it is on the basis of this principle used in the creation of number series that everyone who uses the number series of Grigori Grabovoi also participates in ensuring eternal life for everyone.

As a result of a deeper study and understanding of the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi, I learned that the effectiveness of the use of number series is based on the model created by Grigori Grabovoi "Archiving information at any spatial-temporary point " (Registration number No. 000285, Cipher 00014, Code 00015 dated 19.12.1997 at the International Registration Chamber of Information and Intellectual Novelty (MRPIIN).

The basis is in the "principles of splitting information based on the postulates of space and time community in terms of infinity and the principles of combining the known properties of space and time with the laws of their mutual development. The method of archiving any information through the field of infinitely remote points has been discovered. The space  is considering as unchangeable time structure. The time is  considered as a function of space, and the point of matter reproduction is regarded as a consequence of the time reaction to a space changes”.
Therefore, when a number series is fixed in space, then from this series there is a reaction of time to a change in space. Moreover, of time as of a function of space, that is, of time in the events of physical space. This makes it possible to normalize events, to realize creative goals, concentrating on the selected number series, from which events are normalized functionally in time to ensure eternal life for everyone and the goals fixed by number series are achieved.

These fundamentals of the effectiveness of Grigori Grabovoi's number series are also proved in the section of the formula E=V*S about the fact that energy is the volume of perception multiplied by the speed of perception, in his doctoral dissertation "Applied structures of the creating field of information" and his other scientific materials.

In the process of mastering the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi through studying the works of G. Grabovoi and through listening to his lectures, I began to put into practice concentration on number series to solve my control goals. Thus, I began to gain, and in my further work to develop, practical experience with number series.

Concentration on number series opened to me the wonderful world of the vibrational structure of numbers, gave me the opportunity to feel and understand that every human organ and every event in a person's life has its own rhythm, its own vibration.
In those cases when the vibrational level of a person corresponding to the norm of his events is violated, inharmonious events may appear in his life, deviations from the norm of his body's health appear.
Thanks to the concentration on number series, the vibrational level of a person is restored, his health and life situations return to the norm.

Some quotations from the works of G.P. Grabovoi given below clarify the mechanism of action of the number series created by him.
"Behind each number there is a corresponding vibrational structure. The same can be said about the sequence of numbers.
By the way, each number row can be viewed as a certain combination of numbers."

"... In the case of any disease, the correct sequence of numbers leads to a cure, that is, leads the body to the norm. However, now when we have learned that there is a corresponding vibrational structure behind each number and each sequence of digits, the cure while using this method can be described differently. The fact that a correctly chosen sequence of numbers leads the body to the norm is because, taking into account the vibrational structure behind it, this number sequence itself is the norm. It represents the right sound.
And focusing on this sequence of numbers means tuning. In the same way, musical instruments are tuned according to the sound of a tuning fork."
Grigori Grabovoi. "The resurrection of people and eternal life is now our reality!"

“Figures allow to get the exact spiritual condition corresponding to the norm of man`s matter. In order to intensify control You can use well-known, that is widely used in the collective consciousness, the knowledge of the physics about corpuscular-wave dualism of matter, according to which any object can show both wave properties and the properties of the particles of matter. Creating by concentration on the number rows the light waves corresponding to the norm of man`s matter You create a normally functioning matter of man”.
Grigori  Grabovoi “Recovery of man’s matter by concentration on number rows”
"... And what, for example, by the way, is the treatment of a person, if there, digital series are used to treat? It can be seen that the series itself is divided into different speeds: one digit is one speed, part of the digit is an integral one, often differentiated speed with some such a chaotic action and connections with the external environment, once you switch to the full digit -there is already a fixed system. And it turns out, according to the difference in speeds due to the action of these figures, as such, among other things, there is a stabilization of the process, well, as if the exact tuning of some individual systems: that is, the figure as there is a complete antagonist to the diagnosis, for example, a bad one, there is a downplaying of events for the better, and so on. That is, the diagnosis, for example, becomes less problematic, right?.. That is, the ability to immediately get a non-problematic system there, through a digital series - it's all embedded in the system, for example, of control through numbers. …
In general, in fact, it is still desirable for a person to understand how this digital series works, how the external control system works. That is, he should be aware of any action himself, if possible, and in the future he should always be aware of any action, cause-effect. "
Grigori Grabovoi. "The Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi about God. The creation of light."

"Number series realize the solution of the problem of the best, optimal, more efficient use of limited, often rare, resources of economic activity and the control of this process to achieve the goal of maximum satisfaction of the increasing and unlimited needs of man and society with eternal development."
Grigori Grabovoi. "Numbers for a successful business".
In the process of mastering the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi and applying his control methods in practice, I became convinced that it is based on a scientific basis, has a creative character and is available for everyone to master.
In the following years, I constantly worked with the lectures of Grigori Grabovoi, with his works: "Recovery of man`s matter by concentration on number rows", “Normalization of composition of chemical elements through concentration on numbers ", "Number series for psychological normalization", " The Numerical Atlas of Creation of Man and Eternal Life" and many other works where number series were given for the restoration of the body and the harmonization of various life events, which I tried to immediately put into practice.

The positive results of using number series in the practice of event control inspired me and gave an incentive to a deeper study of the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi. As a result of control using number series, I was able to solve not only my tasks related to the normalization of health and other life situations, but also remotely help other people solve their similar problems.

In the process of personal control practice, I became convinced that the Teaching of Grigori Petrovich is unified and the technologies of his Teaching are universal. Concentration on number series equally effectively allows to normalize both the level of health and the event level of a person. With these technologies, you can work both on your tasks and help other people located anywhere in the world.

Very good results of normalization of events related to my production activities were obtained after I studied the work of G.P. Grabovoi "Numbers for a successful business". This book has become for me literally a desktop guide to the harmonious organization of production. As a demonstration of the effectiveness of the methods and number series given by G.P. Grabovoi in this book, I will give below only one of many examples of the successful application of concentrations on number series on a real event from my practice.
The customer ordered in our printing house the production of a limited edition souvenir planning (organizer) with the presence of a bookmark in the book block (a fabric bookmark that is inserted with the free end between the sheets of representative printing products). The appearance of the bookmark had to strictly correspond to the sample provided by the customer. The order budget was very limited. In order for the printing house not to suffer losses from the execution of the order, it had to purchase a bookmark in the amount of no more than 40-50 linear meters (p / m) at a cost of no more than 4.0 rubles per one  p / m. The printing house's supply service conducted a thorough search for suppliers of the required type of bookmark. The search showed that the ordered type of bookmark is not used in printing industry, and standard printing bookmarks were sold in rolls of at least 100 p.m at a price from 5.0 to 38.0 rubles / p.m. Thus, a very important order for the printing house could be disrupted due to the absence of one of the components of the finished product, and the printing house could suffer not only material, but also significant image damage.

The customer did not know the name of the required type of bookmark and the name of the supplier company, but he demanded not to deviate from the sample. The situation was quite critical.
When the head of the printing house turned to me with information with a forecast of the failure of an important order and, in this regard, the imminent loss of the authority of the printing house among permanent key customers, I asked him not to dramatize the situation and assured that the order would be delivered on time, in accordance with the terms of reference and without going beyond the planned cost indicators of the ordered products. The head of the printing house was very doubtful about a positive solution to the problem, but agreed not to inform the customer about the refusal to fulfill his order within the next day.
By that time, I already had sufficient experience in solving production issues using number series from the technologies and methods of Grigori Grabovoi's Teaching. To quickly solve issues that require additional control, I even created for myself a small memo with number series and basic principles from the book by G. P. Grabovoi "Numbers for successful business", which I called for myself "digital first aid kit for business" (see Appendix).

When applying technologies and control methods according to the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi, it is very important to correctly formulate the control goal, clearly visualize the result of the control carried out for the purpose and, equally important, in the control process, do not allow doubts about the successful result of control. In his book "Numbers for a successful Business", G.P. Grabovoi gives the following recommendations regarding the visualization of the control goal: "... when using numbers to increase business efficiency, you can mentally create control geometric images constructed in the form of mental images of real events."
In the case I described, I did so when I told to the head of the printing house that "the order will be delivered on time in accordance with the terms of reference and without going beyond the planned cost indicators of the ordered products." After that, within a few minutes, I conducted control using number series from my "Digital First Aid Kit" and other control technologies according to the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi, which I have successfully used in practice to solve such issues.

After the control, I started searching for information on the Internet the unknown name of the material for bookmark. After a few minutes of searching, I "accidentally" came across advertising information about the materials used in their work by tailors. It had nothing to do with printing, but in the rapidly changing frames of the slideshow with photos of materials for tailors, I also "accidentally" managed to see a photo with a roll of cord that was very similar to the cord I needed for bookmark. After that, I found the name of the material I needed, and then, after a short search, I "figured out" the manufacturer of this cord. As a result of the work carried out, I held successful negotiations with the head of the manufacturer of this cord. This had to be done, because the company shipped the cord I needed only in an amount of at least 1000 p/m with my need of only 50 p/m. In the course of a conversation with the head of the cord manufacturer, he met me halfway regarding my request to release me only 50 p/m of cord instead of 1000 p/m, and it also turned out that he had long needed a reliable, highly professional performer of his printing orders on a long-term basis.
The above example of control using number series from the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi is far from an isolated case in my production practice. Thanks to control methods using number series, I was able to restore the efficiency of printing equipment, to harmonize situations related to relationships with both external customers and business partners, and with relationships within the production team.

In my personal life, I have repeatedly managed to solve issues related to the normalization of health through concentration on number series.

Including: elimination of severe consequences of varicose veins of the lower extremities without the use of medications, significant relief of the disease associated with coronavirus infection, elimination of deviations from the norm in the work of the cardiovascular system and other organs and systems of the body.

In addition to my own health, the constant use of concentration on number series allows me to harmonize life situations both in my life and in people close to me.
As a result of the control carried out using the number series of the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi, on the same day I received 50 meters of the cord I needed at a price of only 1.80 rubles/p.m. (with free delivery), which not only almost instantly solved the critical problem associated with the execution of the order, but also allowed me to fulfill this order with profit for the printing house. In addition, the printing house received a good annual portfolio of orders from the cord manufacturer, and the head of the cord manufacturer was satisfied with the result of our negotiations, as he received a good and reliable business partner in the field of printing services on a mutually beneficial basis.
Expert's conclusion:
Based on the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:
1. The effectiveness of the number series created by Grigori Grabovoi is due to the implementation of the principle of ensuring eternal life for everyone in the process of applying concentration technologies on these number series.
2. The use of technologies based on concentration on number series can be applied at any age, does not depend on the level of education and has no contraindications.
3. The use of number series is implemented through the educational process. All number series do not limit the use of medical treatment. When prescribing such treatment, a person can successfully combine these directions, while increasing the rate of recovery of the body, reducing the duration of rehabilitation, reducing the side effects of medications.
4. Taking into account my positive results of using number series concentrations in this Conclusion, as well as the fact that at present many similar facts and evidence can be found in the Internet space in the form of protocols and examinations, where people from all over the world testify to the good results of using Grigori Grabovoi number series, it can be concluded that the methods of Grigori Grabovoi's Teaching using number series should be distributed as widely as possible.
5. For a wider dissemination of the use of number series, as well as other methods and technologies of Grigori Grabovoi's Teaching, it is necessary to more effectively develop the educational process of learning according to the Training Program on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi, which will allow everyone to receive systematic training under this Program.
The more people in the world apply number series and other methods and technologies of Grigori Grabovoi's Teaching, the faster the area of collective consciousness will be formed, ensuring eternal life for everyone in any event.
6. The world health system must necessarily include in its basic medical practice effective methods of concentration on the number series of Grigori Grabovoi and actively use them to help people.

Number series from G. P. Grabovoi's book "Numbers for a successful business" for working with contracts, for managing planned indicators, for solving technological issues, for working with partners, with production personnel and for other business management purposes.

... Through the organizational plan, implement the business principle of eternal development, which states that a greater intersection of the events of eternal life creates significantly greater consequences that ensure eternal life.
... The organization of the eternal business planning process should be carried out in the presence of data on competitors, partners and sales markets.
... It is advisable to implement a standard plan for the transformation of competitive relations into partnership ones

Number series of the preventive control
Building a control forecast of events in the control sphere

In case of feeling a sense of resistance during control - a number series for Control towards eternal development

Before starting any control actions, there is a number series that implements eternal development through the economic sphere
289 471 314917

A number series for working with information factors for collecting, searching, storing, processing information necessary for production activities
964 819 3189891

Economic logistics is an economic assessment of each of the stages of the promotion of material flows (information, etc.), starting from the purchase of raw materials and materials to ensure production processes and up to the transportation of finished products to the place of sale

A way to obtain ENERGY sufficient for the eternal development of everyone and oneself in particular.
This series can be repeated several times a day. It can be used in rejuvenation technologies
918 09814

Rows for working with contracts, technological issues, management of planned indicators, etc.

There is nothing impossible in this world.
Especially if you are doing for the eternal life of all people, then accordingly you will always be able to achieve what you set as your goal for people and for yourself
519 7148
894 719 78 48

THE GOLDEN RULE (the golden rule of behavior) - people involved in the process of interpersonal interaction should be guided by an imperative rule: act towards the other so that it can give new strength to the other and to you. The traditional form is somewhat different: treat others the way you would like others to treat you.
(from the book "Number series for psychological normalization”
591 718 9181419

Translated and published by Elena Dagunts

grigori grabovoi, grigori grabovoi's teaching on salvation, eternal life, number series of grigori grabovoi

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