Quizzes, that's it

Apr 24, 2003 21:45

You are most like Squall Leonheart!

Which one of my favorite Final Fantasy characters are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Shadow, known as the Twilight child, you've
walked in both the light and the darkness and
know how to keep your balance. You've had a
rough life, but have always gritted your teeth
and pushed through. You are an acomplished
mage, but only use your magic for pranks as you
are a bit scared of your abilities because of
something that happened in your childhood.
Everyone seems to love you though, and those
that haven't has ended up on the wrong end of a
dagger, whether in your hand or someone elses.
You are loyal and stead fast in your friendship
and in your beliefs. You're known for your
long black and silver hair, your temper, your
daggers, and your fighting greatness...and you
tend to freak people out when you come out of
walls or disappear into someone's shadow.

Which Silverleaf are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


Which Wild ARMs Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Terrible quiz, but I posted because it's rather fitting, methinks

Time Faerie

Which elemental faerie are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Just in case the pic doesn't load (it didn't when I looked at the entry):
Virtue: You have a second sight that allows you to see situations from a point of view that others cannot. Although you can't exactly "see the future", you can predict the outcomes of certain situations better than most.
Void: You tend to be detached ot unemotional. You also have a problem understanding specific viewpoints, because you can see a bigger bigger picture than most people.
Very close to being entirely true
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