As graduation nears, I try to contain my sanity

May 08, 2009 08:11

If only I had a few hundred dollars more by the end of graduation, I would go...

Grrr.. and it's so cheap too. I only say it's cheap because Massive Black cost $500. Let's forget the fact that I got in for free... but as far as prices go, there was no way I could have afforded a $500 ticket. This, however, is affordable. Except not anymore, since I'm at the end of my bank account, only having just enough money left to finish school. It's at the end of June, and would have been an excellent closure to my days as an art student (I graduate this quarter, if you didn't know.) So I am very sad I won't be able to go...

Anyway, since I'm not posting a youtube video for once, how about I talk about my life? When was the last time I did that? Well, life is stressful right now. I have like 5 weeks left of school, and still do not feel confident about my work/ don't have a lot to show... However, if I'm able to get permission to use the internet to run Pirates of the Burning Sea at school, I could have a working demo of the town I built, during portfolio review, which would be awesome! I'm sure that would make up for my lack of work... cause seriously, I spent hours, days, months, on that fucking thing... lol.

Sigh... there's just so much shit to do, and not enough time. I'm only signed up (officially) for 2 classes: Portfolio and GE400. However, I am also attending a third class unofficially: Production 3, because I am still the director of our film, and I need to be there to help the team. Then add on 2 days of going in for my internship, 7 hours each, and that's like 5 classes / full schedule  for graduating quarter. FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

It is very hard to stay motivated, no matter how much I listen to music from Rocky or The Karate Kid (lol). Fuckin hard time's are here, and are here to stay for many more weeks to come. Then there's the chance that Flying Lab doesn't hire me, and I'm stuck looking for a job...

Sigh.. okay, back to work now! I can do this..!

It's the moment of truth, you're giving it all,
standing alone, willing to fall.
If you can do it, get up and prove it,
get up and show them who you are.
It's the moment of truth, it's all on the line,
this is the place, this is the time,
waiting forever, it's now or it's never, nothing can stop you now.

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