Mar 07, 2009 11:21
I'm gonna say it had it's good points, but fails to deliver many more. Zack Snyder did extremely well in keeping it faithful to the book, it was really the story that lacked, and that's just because you really can't tell the entire story in one movie sitting. I didn't have the feelings for the characters as I did in the book. There wasn't enough sympathy towards them, possibly due to the long conversations being cut down for time's sake. It also lacked vital information to certain things, that would make any normal movie go-er question why said things were never explained- things that NEEDED in explanation.. I'm thinking only people who have read the book , or people who are open minded to movies like this will find more joy in Watchmen than anyone else. I say this because where the story lacked in the movie, any fanboy can fill in the gaps with what they know from reading the book. The visuals were fantastic, and the amount of detail and effort put into the stages made every scene enjoyable because there was always something fun to catch. In fact, the whole surreal feeling I got from everything is what helped make the movie enjoyable to me. Because I mean, it's OUR world, but with superheroes.. and its just this very strange and eerie visual representation of our world being effected by the causes of "what if?"
It was a fun story, but definitely one that could not be translated into a movie at the utmost success. Though, it was a very great effort, and I applaud Zack Snyder for it.
I give Watchmen a 7/10