So the whole "my friends are graduating and looking for jobs" stuff I keep reading in people's journals is starting to make me nervous. During moveout I really noticed for the first time that some of the people I'm closest to are going to be gone after this year (Charlie, Jess, Ash, and probably a few others). They graduated today. They're looking for jobs. And this scares me why? because in a year I'll be in their shoes and I really don't know what I'm going to be doing. Until recently I had been pseudo planning on trying to get a job working for a big flute studio in Pitt teaching private lessons for a year or so. After some recent developments (me kicking my jury's ass and teachers telling me I could make it teaching at the college level...) I think I'm headed towards Grad school sooner than I anticipated. So now, how do I pay for it, first of all? Secondly, where do I go? Given my choice I would get an assistantship where Jim Walker teachers (southern Cali i think)...but how do you get an assistantship? I don't have the private teaching experience for one (stupid school) and my playing is better but not awesome. I know my grades could have been better coming out of this year. :( *andi deflates* And Josh and I are trying to fit into each other's plans. I really want to stay with him (and near him). I'm glad that both of us want to go out west after graduating. It makes things a little easier on me. But I'm still deathly afraid that we will end up in different places. I need that boy with me. He keeps me sane lol. But then there's mother's admonition that I shouldn't live with someone until we're married...gah...if I'm fine with it and truly trust him, then it shouldn't matter right? *sigh* Someday, when we're both settled...but i digress...
Teaching college is my dream job. I know I could do it, but trying for it isn't "safe". All of my decisions since high school have been erring on the "safe" side. (minus a leap of faith with josh ;) If I want to do this, and I do, it means I just need to go for it and start making things happen for me. That scares the poopey out of me. :( End sappiness.
So, Josh and I have been cooking at my apt. Last night we made stir fry and it was delicious. I think it was especially delish because the meal we had tried before involved cooking chicken and we were both too squeemish after making it to actually eat it...
OOO!!!! I finished Prince of Persia last night! 1 book, 1 game down this summer. :) Now I need to kick the Praxis' ass... End randomness.
To Do List for the Summer (right now)
Start looking for a grad. ass. position somewhere that I'd like to go to grad school.
Practice my excerpts for the fall auditions...I need to kick butt.
Study for the Praxis (June 11)
Take classes...
Find a job...
Work as SGA office sec.
Play games!
Read books!