Answering a question...

Jan 08, 2018 11:50

In filling out a survey about memorization, one question asks, "What's one problem you hope to address by improving your memory?"

My response:
They say that if a shark stops swimming, it dies. All my life, I've felt that if I stop learning, I would mentally "die," an idea that became more acute after my mother (a college graduate with masters degrees, multilingual, who played a mean piano) developed Alzheimer's and eventually died.

Paraphrasing Tennyson, it is my wish to sail as far as I can in what remains to me in this lifetime. It may be that the gulfs will capsize me, and though much has been taken, much abides, and despite having been made weak by time and fate and not being as strong as I once was, I will not cease to strive, to seek, to find... and not to yield! For me, having an improved memory will improve both my outer life and my inner life.

Sorry to get all literary on you, but there it is.


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