Happy New Year!

Jan 01, 2018 17:56

Wow-2018! Time has put a real dent in the twenty-first century, hasn't it?

We had what my parents would've called a "party" last night. (Actually, it was a party, but not like the ones to which I remember my parents dragging me when I was a child-people there seemed to be having such a grand time, but I digress...)

Things were going along fairly well but I started feeling puny around 1 am, so I excused myself and went upstairs. During the half hour leading up to 1 am, folks were watching a recorded Russian New Year's program on YouTube called Голубой огонек (translated as Little Blue Light by the producers), which started out okay (for me), but then I noticed just how well the cameras were picking up all of the makeup on the performers' faces and how the cameras kept cutting to little groups of people who were clinking champagne glasses and (in my opinion) acting at having a good time.

I better stop before I burst out in a salvo of "Bah, humbug!"

I experienced today what must have occurred once last month, which consisted of religiously making sure I hadn't eaten anything for two hours and then, upon achieving that milestone, waiting one more hour before eating anything. What was wrong with the picture was not taking my cancer meds between the two-hour "before" period and one-hour "after" slot.

After waking from a nap at around 4:20 pm, I frankly could not remember if I had taken the cancer meds.

No, that's not it. I was pretty sure I hadn't, but how could I be sure? I certainly didn't want to miss a dose, but I absolutely didn't want to take a double dose, so I emptied the bottle on a clean towel and counted the number of doses left. It turned out I hadn't yet taken today's meds, so I'm taking them today, in a few minutes, after a two-hour "fast" (I must confess it is hard to not nibble at leftovers in the fridge).

Now, one might wonder how someone who engages in memory exercises might forget something like this? Easy.

After this happened last month, I should have implemented a little protocol that would force me to notice my taking my meds, but I didn't follow through. That ends today.

Anyway, I'm off to take meds and catch up on the day, which is largely gone.

Happy New Year, everyone!


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