I hadn't noticed...

Dec 27, 2017 19:44

It took a text from my client to make me aware that none of the email addresses associated with my domain had received any email today at all.

It didn't take much time for me to put my finger on the problem. I had just had my hosting account upgraded by my hosting company (amazingly enough, the whole thing pretty much was done via email, involving me and my hosting company's sales, billing, and tech support departments), and I had tested my Web access to files, but when I checked my mail program's mail server configuration and compared it against what it should've been, there was an, um, discrepancy.

It's fixed now. I was even able to create and install an SSL certificate on my domain.

And as a result, I am now aware of the two assignments that were sent to me at 5:30 am (and not only aware, but the files are sitting on The Plate™). Fortunately, since the English end of the document chain is on vacation this week, the urgency factor is not in tight-sphincter mode.

I got to thinking that perhaps I ought to have a separate journal for gripes. (My efforts to go 24 hours without a complaint haven't been getting very far.) But then I began to wonder if such a journal would serve the opposite purpose I originally imagined, i.e., a place to blow off steam and get it out of my mind. I ended up concluding it almost certainly end up being a place where it was comfortable to be and the ideal venue for an ongoing "pity party." So, I guess it's back to finding a way to not complain, at least not outside the context of figuring out a way to fix things.


Also posted at Dreamwidth. Comment here or there.