(no subject)

Sep 04, 2005 00:46

MORNING people, god u are all crap

WAKE THE HELL UP im bored and no1 ABSOLUTLY no1 is on line
well there are a few but no1 interessting
man where are u wen i need u im hott and cant sleep so feeling wayyy toooooo alive for 1ish in the morn

god even livejournal is starting to look lonely.................

hmm tum te tum te tum.

hehe i am proud to anounce that me and bex have our private mini break booked in september....ohh sit gemma if ure reading this then u didnt just read wot u thought u read i didnt mean bex i meant any1 but becky

ohh i bless thy marriage by the way

oh good night i give up u all suck
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