Oct 22, 2009 10:06
Detox Journal: Day Eighteen
Yesterday was much easier. I was barely hungry, and my energy levels were pretty normal. I even drank less. So I'm still going. I just had half a juice for breakfast. I'm bringing my fast-breaking food to work, though, as I intend to break it this afternoon. I miss food, I miss preparing food for myself, and I really want some arugula. And chickpeas. Still have to stay completely raw for a little while, but that's okay, I can deal with that. I nabbed a bunch of stuff at work Tuesday. Samples that I would normally eat, I just packed in a little container to take home and eat later. Probably wait until tomorrow to start eating those, though, because they're nut heavy. Just energy soup today, then a sprout salad. Have to ease the digestive system back into solid food.
healthy equals wealthy