Detox Journal: Day Eight, Part Two
The unpleasantness has been done. At first it just wouldn't work. Then I got it to work and it wasn't so bad. The worst part was the fact that it's about 50 degrees in here, because we don't have the heat on yet. So I was freezing by the time I was done. I also got a horrible ache in the pit of my gut towards the end of expelling the unpleasantness. All over now, though, and it will be easier in the future. I hope it's just this week I'm supposed to do this, but I doubt it. Meh.
I'm up to a stronger batch of kamut. 4 tablespoons in 32 oz of water. Counter-intuitively, the stronger it is, the better it tastes. So there's that. I'm still having trouble finding room for solid food. There's so much stuff I have to drink that I'm full by the time I'm done with it. I see why people lose weight on this program.