*french vanilla elaquent*

May 21, 2016 01:53

I move it.
Started with a word
That became elusive.
I was truent. My
Attention span
Wasnt intuit.
Well now its under the musician
Grooving. I could take off with it conduce it to the absolutest
Prudent non foolish provements.

*jimmy smith suff daddy*
My shoes aint really the newest
Had to call it myself . My game need a bit of help. But not health cos im admiring everything to the cells from myself.
A bit aware of the cautious way to handle living on hell
I mean in here. I mean evil is whatchu make it. And to make it. In these streets a kill could mean a dollar bill. Whether stolen promoted the souls of those is morgues dont meet the offshore of the universes holy motion.

Pause the assaults
The credit card fraud
But for those there need not be no army cross gaurds
That stop and patrol cars
Modern day cop its a modern day job
But whos gon
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