Принстоновские ученые придумали
беспроводной датчик, который прикрепляется к зубу (пока лишь коровьему) и мониторит наличие болезнетворных бактерий. С таким размером возникают весьма жесткие требования к форм-фактору антенны:
Designing the antenna was one of the project’s challenges. The gold coil needs to be big enough to transmit a readable signal, but small enough to fit within the sensor’s compact footprint. The team was able to attach the current version of the system to a cow’s tooth; reducing the size of the sensor in order to fit onto a human’s tooth would require further work. "Typically, the quality with which you can transmit depends on the size of the antenna," said Verma, an assistant professor of electrical engineering. The researchers had to deal with the small size of the antenna by choosing geometry for the coil that resulted in sufficient coupling between an external reading unit and the device - this was achieved through a series of concentric twists.