Nov 22, 2003 13:03
.. red blotches!! Yes, everyone will want their very own eczema when they see how good I look with it :)
No, seriously, I have big red rough patches of eczema all over, especially in my elbows and knees. It doesn't really bother me but mummy is worried that I might get itchy and sore with it when I'm a bit bigger. I hope I don't :(
In other news, even though mummy called my grandma and grandad and we went there all day yesterday, I got to see them again this morning! Grandad was helping mummy put up a new curtain rail in the front room, and I was very impressed with him lifting all his tools around. He is one of my very favourite people and I always smile and burble at him.. sometimes it takes him a while to notice I'm beaming at him and I have to shout really loud to get his attention :D Grandma has had her hair coloured this morning over the road while we were playing with curtains. It looks very nice with the blonde and the red highlights. She had a look at the backs of my knees to see what mummy was talking about and agreed with the NHs direct lady that it is definitely eczema.
I don't know what mummy has planned for the rest of my day, and right now I don't particularly care as I've fallen asleep in my playnest, clutching the Barney-dog.