Hello! I'm sorry I haven't got mummy to write in here for so long. I had a wonderful birthday last weekend, thanks to all of you who sent their best wishes. Mummy has added some new photos to
my Fotopic (though she's not looked at them as much as looked back at the 'tiny Alex' ones and got all mushy about how much I've grown *sigh*
I am more of a little girl than a baby nowadays. I've grown a whole two teeth and a bit of hair, and I can walk if someone holds my hand to help me. I can change channels on the television all by myself, and I like to knock down towers of blocks and take jigsaws apart, though I'm not so good at putting them back together. I can even hold my own spoon to eat with (though mummy is too impatient to let me eat by myself and still helps so I don't make too much mess or take too long). I have grown-up girl shoes from Clarks, and my own savings account at Nationwide building society. I wave hello and goodbye to nearly everyone, but don't like to be parted from mummy and daddy for more than a couple of minutes. I also bounce when mummy says 'bounce bounce bounce', flap my arms like I'm flying when she says 'flap flap flap' and shake my head vigorously and giggle when she says 'no no no' (and when she wants me to come to her and stop messing with something I shouldn't!).
I made mummy cry at weekend when she rang home from work because when daddy gave me the phone for mummy to say hello I said 'Hiya mama!'
The Health Visitor made her cry as well by telling her off for not taking me to baby and toddler groups, and strongly suggesting that we go to the one up the road at Emmanuel church where they read bible stories to children and make them drink cow's milk. Mummy was not impressed.