Подобається мені цей Джон Кей

Oct 20, 2011 13:09

В загальному варіанті він не зовсім правий*, але стосовно саме цієї теми - right on spot. До речі, тут він вже згадує Хаэка, хоча на австрійця він не джуже схожий.

This approach, which postulates a universal explanation into which economists have privileged insight, was as influential as it was superficially attractive. But a scientific idea is not seminal because it influences the research agenda of PhD students. An important scientific advance yields conclusions that differ from those derived from other theories, and establishes that these divergent conclusions are supported by observation. Yet as Prof Sargent disarmingly observed, “such empirical tests were rejecting too many good models” in the programme he had established with fellow Nobel laureates Bob Lucas and Ed Prescott. In their world, the validity of a theory is demonstrated if, after the event, and often with torturing of data and ad hoc adjustments that are usually called “imperfections”, it can be reconciled with already known facts - “calibrated”. Since almost everything can be “explained” in this way, the theory is indeed universal; no other approach is necessary, or even admissible.

*По-перше, я не захищаю емпіричну перевірку "моделей" в економіці. По-друге, навіть в фізиці правильні моделі незавжди могли одразу повністю підтвердитися емпірично.
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