Jun 27, 2006 19:37
Ok, I am not done unpacking, but until I get the carpet down in here, I can't do anything else. I only have one friend down here and he is gone til two weeks from now. I can't go to town to do anything cause there is nothing to do, and besides, everyone drives like freaking maniacs. Forewarning Timmy, it sucks down here. At least when you get here, I will have someone to talk to. It just sucks right now. I had a drug test for Wal-Mart today. I have to postpone it til tomorrow cause I can't pee in a cup on demand. Funny, huh? Well, I don't know if I will ever get used to life down here. It's insane. I just want to go back to Auburn. It was so much easier there. A struggle to meet bills, but easier. I just don't know if I could do it without Will there. At least there I could cry and nobody would hear me. I have cried a lot already, and I know it isn't done yet. I just cry for no reason now. Just looking at my room I cry. Thinking about Will, his grandpa, my grandpa, living here... It all takes its toll. I get frustrated so easily. The heat gets to me. I cried watching an episode of Angel *Hole in the World (very emotional, VERY)*. That was Will and I's favorite episode, well, besides Smile Time. That was a great episode. Geeze, my bi-polar is taking me everywhere tonight. Ok, lost my thought. I miss Will, that's all I know. Even if we weren't meant to be together, I still miss him. Everything about him. I just talked to JD (Jr). He is funny. He is my Mississippi friend. Well, I should end this soon and watch some Angel, or should I watch Buffy? Something with Xander in it. Yeah, I'm gonna watch Xander. He is funny. Ok, enough for tonight. Bye!