So, I finally got pics of the apartment. I couldn't figure out how to cut them on here so it wouldn't pop up on its own, but nobody online could tell me how to do it. Blah to you guys... So, here is my new home!
This is my living room. As you can see, my Buffy and Angel collection are top priority. That is also my living room table. Mom brought over two of them and I didn't know what to do with the one so I set it up in my living room. I think it looks nice...
This would be my TV/stereo stand/bookcase shot. My living room is rather large. Can you belive I had most of this shit in my room at one point in time? My bedroom was just a bit larger than half the size of my living room. Crazy...
This would be the lovely computer stand and part of my seven foot living room window.
My beautiful couch/bed. I don't usually sleep on my bed anymore, I just sleep on the couch.
Ahh, the kitchen. So tiny, yet so perfect in size.
Part of my fridge, microwave, and toaster.
My beautiful sink. Stainless steel with a garbage disposal! WOOT!!
The stove is electric, which sucks. I have never used an electric stove before, it's kinda weird...
Looking out from my kitchen at the dining room and my bike.
My beautiful dining room table. I refurnished the chairs to a deep wine red with roses embroidered on it. I will have to put that picture on here, I didn't have enough room on my camera to put that on there, too.
Romantic candle-light dinner for two?
The hallway from my living room to the bathroom and my bedroom.
Hmm, I think I have a lot of clothes. Most of them are red and Aéro brand... Coincidence? I think not.
My bedside table. I have my picture of Grandpa on there. Can't ever forget that one. It isn't home 'til Grandpa is there somewhere.
My wonderful bed and Keykey Mowers. Can't forget him either!
Sitting in all it's brilliance, my guitar. That is my studio, btw.
Yes, my bathroom is "Exorcist"/split pea soup green. But at least it isn't small!
Unfortunately my sink is...
This is another thing you will see in my home, Will-bur. He is almost always there. He has a beard, though. Don't ask, I don't know myself.
So, that was the grand tour of my home. If you walk in, that is most likely how you will find it, too. I like keeping it clean. So, I am off to do something useful, like reading with the cat. Lata!