Jul 31, 2006 10:22

this weekend pretty much sucked. friday night was okay...i chilled with scuba then we went to garretts for a while and he was wicked tired so we let him go to sleep and we went to scubas house and watched some drug shows on the history channel they were pretty funny. so that night wasnt too bad actually. saturday i went to my cousin justins grad party in north andover by the time i got back and stuff i didnt get to garretts house til like 9:30ish so everyone had been drinkin for a few hours by that point..i brought my puppy with me but she didnt like gars dog dutchy so me and garrett took her back to my house. we were gone for like 40 mins when we get back its a shitshow because one of my friends decides to drive my other friends new car drunk. then he desides he wants to see how fast he can go so hes goin 110 down a road in coho with a culdasack at the end....he just doesnt stop doesnt turn and goes rigth into the trees and fucks up the car then calls the cops and reports the car stolen. so fucking stupid.they both ended up bein alright thank god but the car isnt. then i get a call later cousin got in a bad accident drunk drivin too and hit a dumpster. he bit thru his toungue and got so many stitches they stopped countin but the other 2 passengers were okay. this is such bullshit i know we all make bad desicions but im really really going to try my best not to anymore last night was fucked up we are so thankful i could have easily lost 3 poeple that are very close to me in one night because of bad desicions. and it wasnt only the drunk drivin they were both going wicked fast its just not worth it at all. so much drama has been happening and it sucks loosing poeple who you think are your friends and you find out they arent. how do you lie to someoens face? whatever. garrett and brandon slept at my house sat night it was awesome but i got in trouble for it. i blew addys and couldnt sleep the whole night i got an hour and a half of sleep cuz i woke up mad early then went to my cousins house to visit him. then i went back to garrets and we finally got some alone time and it was an amazing night.....i think im :o)
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