Jun 20, 2005 07:46
Top 4 Things I Love About Florida Breaks:
1. No need to worry about the crowd not liking a song, since they all sound exactly the same :)
2. No need to worry about beatmatching tracks since they're all at 135 bpm :)
3. No need to worry about your career slumping since you're obviously not concerned with your career if you spin Florida Breaks :)
4. No need to worry about fucking up a transition since everyone there is too mashed to know the difference :)
Oh how I love female French recording artists. Add to my list Frou Frou, she's lovely (cheers to Nick). Every time I find another one it makes me want to hop the next plane to Paris a little more. Of course I know the reason I like her music is because her producers are Brian Eno (brilliant) and Guy Sigsworth (Bjork's producer)...but I'm refusing to think about that, hehe.
I have a new chapter in my sleep disorder dawning upon me. Now I've been falling asleep at a reasonable time every night, but find myself waking up at 4:30-6:00am every morning. I rather like it actually. Gives me time to wake up before heading to class, and I've grown to enjoy watching the sunrise. I hope I didn't raise the dosage on my Cylert too quickly, I had to drop a dose this weekend to compensate for how badly I was overloaded on it on friday (2.5 times my normal dosage, condensed). I think it'll work out fine. I've gotten into computer mp3 players in the past few days (yuck, I know). I'm using Traktor now, which is the program that Final Scratch runs on. I'm not really impressed with it, but I think with the Final Scratch box it'll work really nicely for my purposes, it definitely won't be a tool used outside the studio, I just don't trust the technology enough. Although I kind of wonder why I would use it since I already have cd players and can just burn any audio file to a cd player...but I've found on certain occasions I need a track from my computer in the middle of a mix in the studio and although I have 72x burners, it takes time...it'd just be nice to play it directly from the computer. Maybe I should just get better cd players like the cd-xs i've been drooling over for a year now. It'd be nice being able to spin mp3s directly from cd players. But they're really expensive...and I want an Allen & Heath Xone:92 as well...That's it I'm starting a charity foundation to get me ridiculously nice gear:
THE SAVE THE LIBERATORE FOUNDATION! We'll get Barbara Streisand to do the commercials, she'll come in my studio with me in the background looking immaciated feebly mixing records and she'll start babbling and crying and knocking my lamp over with her huge nose. "ONLY SIXTY DOLLARS PER MONTH CAN KEEP THIS POOR STRUGGLING UPPER CLASS DEEJAY FROM BEING FORCED TO MIX ON HIS GEAR WHICH IS ALREADY NICER THAN YOU WILL EVER OWN! EACH MONTH YOU WILL RECEIVE PICTURES OF YOUR ADOPTED DEEJAY AND THE NEW EQUIPMENT, RECORDS, AND STYLI THAT HE DESPERATELY NEEDS TO SURVIVE!" ::starts crying/knocks me over with her giant nose/etc.::
::cut to next scene::
::me in the background running around screaming with an allen & heath Xone:92 box over my head, trips, falls face first:: "SO CALL NOW AND HELP TO SHAPE THE LIFE OF CORAL GABLES' NEEDIEST COLLEGIATE DEEJAY!"
...maybe I took too much medication after all xD