Nov 24, 2005 13:45
living on memories .
well this week has made me realize , that at one point in time you are going to remember the memories .
for me - i been living off of them !
i was hurt so many times , but yet i go back to it everytime !?!
and my conclusion is that i live on the good memories .
i mean yeah i know , no one wants to remember the bad times ,
but i need to live my life a day at a time .
instead of living in the past , live now !
start over new & fresh .
it all sounds so good & easy -
ahh - i wish i could just do it .
but instead , me being alex cleveland , i am going to go back to it & get hurt even worse !
i wish i could listen to her & do waht she says .
"just stay away from it" umm much easier said then done :[
but the few good times i have and have had with that situation are what have me holding on .
but i guess i could always go back to my old ways & just not get attached or close to anything .
my old theory was :
HUSTLE & FLOW - thats how life has to be .
maybe its true .
maybe its easier .
i guess we'll see .
ahhh - happiness is just around the corner [or at least it better be] haha .
think about it:
"there is a light at the end of every tunnel , but some tunnels are longer then others - so its a good idea to carry a flash light "
what do you think it means ??
thanks for a good talk last night , it was much needed !
love .