Apr 25, 2012 07:38
so recently i realized that beer was making my hands swell up to twice their size, and i would gain three pounds overnight.
i took a couple quizzes online, and i'm pretty convinced that i either have a gluten allergy, or candida. i'm hoping it's just gluten, because the diet for candida is a bitch.
however, i've done atkins before and it worked really well and i thought, maybe that was why?? so i have been entirely gluten free for two weeks. i haven't *completely* eliminated sugar the way you do on atkins; i have been having some fruit, and occasionally some rice, things like that. a couple margaritas, which you're really not supposed to have on atkins. just cutting out bread and beer and things that are a known quantity.
I've lost six pounds and my wedding rings fit again! (that was a major source of the panic)
i just got on new insurance, so i'll get it checked out soon, but jeez.