Комментарий с одной американской доски который заслуживает публикации здесь

May 08, 2017 06:31

The Brexit and Trump win were important events that seemed to somewhat break the will of the globalist regime.  Those two events led to immediate spike downs in the global stock markets.  However, the big money folks bought those up with a vengeance.  I think there has to be a facade of stability in the stock markets in order to get through these pivotal elections.

I could argue that the Macron win is the most significant development we have for the global markets and especially the euro because it really calms the fears of the globalist regime and their ambitions.  With that being said, there is a German election coming up in September that should be a piece of cake for Merkel and her party now that France has been dealt with.  I think this Macron victory is a pivot event for the global stock markets.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the ECB will start to tighten and take away the punchbowl starting right now since Greece has been bought off and the establishment candidate in France has been elected.

Combine that with the Fed raising in June, and we might see fireworks to the downside rather soon.

I think China is the 1st to go down.  With all the happy talk in the West over these elections and record stock market highs, I think China has been secretly pulling back liquidity from the credit markets to deal with the monster tower of debt they have
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