Speaking of Snacks ...

Mar 14, 2010 05:11

The world--or at least the internet (the non-kosher, non-halal portion thereof)--is pretty much in agreement that bacon is, for all intents and purposes the ne plus ultra of Yum.

What's just as evident, but not as well-publicized, is that peanut butter is second on that list. From chocolate to pretzels to Thai food, there's very little in the way of comestibles which is not vastly improved by the judicious application of peanut butter.

So--why is there no meeting of the twain? Can anyone ever doubt that a crispy slice of bacon would be not only ennobled but improved by a quick swim in the peanut butter jar? Why does no one capitalize on this? Why did I never make PB&B sandwiches as a child? Why must these two gustatory stimuli, a porcine and legume Romeo and Juliet be kept from one another? Has the President been informed of this discriminatory segregation?
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