Title: Dean Winchester, Patron Saint
alexjanna91Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean, Castiel, Alfie, Rachel, Hester, Inais, ect,.
Series: Apple Pie Life
Rating: PG-PG13
Genre: AU Post-Season 5
Disclaimer: I don’t own Supernatural. OCs and fic plot are mine.
Status: On-Going
Warning (overall): Powers!Dean, BAMF!Dean, Parental!Dean, kids, angels, true forms, mild angst, temporary mental instability, bad guys, ect.,
Summary: Dean Winchester, Patron Saint of Little Brothers, Lost Angels, and Smartass Kids. He thought figuring out suburban life was hard; try being Heaven’s Yoda for learning about humanity. On top of that there’s some freaky shit going down and Dean is so not looking forward to dealing with another potentially world ending supernatural meltdown of epic proportions.
A/N: This is the second arc in Apple Pie Life verse. It starts up directly after the
Dean’s Adventures in Babysitting arc.
Wizard of Oz, Suck it! | He did not sign up for derailing angelic mental breakdowns. It is so not in his job description… At least angels don’t work for the post office; then they’d all be in deep shit.
Holy Rolling Stoner | Dean really shouldn’t have been surprised that a trip to the aquarium with eleven kids could be any more perilous than it already was. Nothing in Dean’s life could ever be that uncomplicated.
Weekend at Dean's pt. 1 | Bobby had been having a hell of a night, but when a phone call brought Dean back into his life things just got down right interesting. Yeah, that never ended well.
Weekend at Dean's pt. 2 | Crowley is the motherfucking King of Hell. But, apparently, Dean Winchester is a scary motherfucker.
Going Legit... Sort of | Det. Hart’s already working on an ulcer from discovering the supernatural. He doesn’t need Dean’s illegally concealed handgun peep show to give him another one.
Assassin's Creed | He just wanted to go to the grocery store. He definitely didn't want to reenact West Side Story in an abandoned parking lot.
Assassin's Coda | Dean gets a long overdue reunion and there are some feels.
Fight the Ooze | Dean was already having a shitty day. A bitchy angel and bitchy parents were just the icing on the cake.
His Reputation Precedes Him | Detective Jeffery Hart had a monster in his interrogation room and a monster hunter on speed dial. He’d already had a hell of a day and it was just shaping up to get even worse.
Come to Jesus | Dean was forced to plan his first ever little kid birthday party. He was under enough pressure as it was, he didn’t want to add having a come-to-Jesus meeting with the kid’s mother to it all.
Panic! at the Picnic pt.1 | Being shanghaied into hosting a picnic in the park was a pain in his ass and Dean made sure everyone knew it. But one thing he wouldn’t ever complain about was a little brother in pain.
Panic! at the Picnic pt.2 | Of course he couldn’t just have one friendly neighborhood picnic without incident. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to him that it was gatecrashed by a massive dickbag with wings.