Jul 13, 2009 09:20
This weekend was weird, well actually this whole past week was weird. Monday and Tuesday of last week I had off with my kids, we went to the beach we played Wii we had fun =)
Wednesday I started my new job and litterally hit the ground running in my 4 1/2 inch Guess heels. Its been a pretty seamless intergration so far. I'm super happy here, its a good place so far. I think due to past examples I'm not letting the "honeymoon" period that occures with most jobs get me here, instead I'm opting for being totally on, all day all the time while I'm in the office. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were great. My new boss moves at the same speed I do which is nice because it means I'm not leaving him in the dust. And the entire staff has been SUUUUPER nice so far. I don't feel like the "youngster" here which I have in many of the other jobs I've had. I feel like the younger team members are looking up at me already and the seasoned members of the team are liking what they see. I come in on time everyday looking polished and ready to go, which in this position you need it. I'm liking it thus far, but again it still officially hasn't been a week. Brian, my new boss, however seems to be alright with me taking over his work life which is great.
Friday night I started to feel weird right after dinner, Marmaduke decided he wanted pie so we went out and got a sweet from the store. Normally I'm all for pie or something of that nature but I just wasn't feeling it on Friday. My stomach felt really uneasy and twisty. Turns out come 2am I was suffering from a mild case of food poisoning. Mild in the terms of three separate trips to the bathroom at 2, 3, and 5 all ruslting in my turning my guts inside out. Pepto didn't help, it just turned everything pink as it came out (which you'd think would make things easier but NO it made things worst). By five I litterally felt like I was going to heave my stomach right out and that my body was breaking in half because along with all the gastro intestinal pyrotechnics I also has body aches that rivaled the swine flu. Every joint ached, each pice of skin, I was hurting so bad, I took 4 Advil and hoped to God they'd stay down. By 10:30 am on Saturay I woke up feeling alright but by 11:30 I was back in bed burried under the covers in a clammy sweat with my body temp fluctuating between cold and SUPER hot. My skin was even hot to the touch, it was awful. Lucky for me the natives happen to all be there (Natalie, Kevin, and Sammy) and they jumped to action quick, Gatorade was administered, toast was made, Advil was given and by 1pm I got in the shower and started to feel better. We were due at the Veneroso summer party that afternoon so we had to go, go, go!
The party was great! I acctually survived the car ride, which I was a bit wary of, since I get carsick almost everytime I get in a car, now add the food poisoing... but it all went OK. The party was a blast, seeing Chris and Dan, Nick, Dennis and his women and some of the other folks as well as meeting new peeps and seeing some people we don't see often enough was really great. I, unfortunatly, did not partake of the drinking and food as I didn't want to agrivate my stomach more than I needed so I stuck with crackers and club soda. I had one bad moment when I suddenly got really achy again. I took another 4 Advil and took a little nap just to try to work it out. Lucky for me the Veneroso home is like my home so it was easy for me to fall asleep there for a little bit and recover. I felt better, it was sweet of everyone to take care of my lameness. As always a fantastic time was had by all. Natalie and Sammy got really drunk and funny, JR had a good time with us too and when we left it was sheer exhaustion that drove us home.
Sunday was a pretty lazy day, except that I started to feel super dizzy and jittery, then really tired like my battery drained out. I feel like its all still a part of the food poisoning, I still feel somewhat jittery and uneasy. I didn't sleep well again last night =( which makes me really unhappy but when my body temp fluxuating constanly and not being able to turn my head off plus the stress of the coming weeks weighing me down closing my eyes and resting just isn't in the cards. I hate it, I get angry because I WANT to sleep and rest, it's not like I can snooze on the train any more I have to be alert to drive to work! I seriously can't wait for my insurance to kick in, I'm so going to go get a bevy of tests and check ups and get God Damned medicated if I need it. I'm tired of not having answers. I seriously decided though that I'm going to give up caffeine and start cutting out my sugars again, it's making my stomach weak to give in to temptation wich is why I think I got sick this past week. I usually have a pretty cast iron stomach but I think the clean diet I had earlier this year, then the some what abusive lifestyle I live with food and my stomach of late (cheese, dairy, sugar, caffeine, etc) is starting to make me not live better. Plus, the jitters form the caffeine make my head race which makes me not rest wich in turn makes me sicker. Forget it.
Today I'm at work and starting to feel a little better. I had to give myself a lecture this morning about not letting my head spin off into space just because I wasn't feeling right. I tend to act like a big bruise when I'm not feeling right and get super sensitive. So today its light foods and easy digestion to get back on track.
Thats it from here, hope everyone else is having a good Monday =)