Title: Soulless!Sam Owns His Brother
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em
Chapter: One Shots
Rating: N/C 17
Pairings: Sam/Dean, Wincest
Warnings: Language, Smut, Wincest,
Bottom!Dean, Come Play, Bondage, Sub/Dom
Spoilers: Possible Up Through Season 7 (Here and There)
Summary: Very Short PWP Stories
Link To First Part:
http://alexisk11.livejournal.com/23318.html ~*~
“Sammy, Sammy please, please....I can't Sam....”
“Oh God Sammy....Uh....”
*High Pitched Keening*
“Fuck yea Dean, you've been taking it so good, so many ways. There's just one other thing I want to do to you before I let you have your release. Do you know what it is?
Dean shakes his head no with slight movements.
“That mouth Dean. I want that Goddamn mouth.”
Dean just whines again.
Link To Next Part: