
Sep 20, 2007 07:58

A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven random people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."


1. The suburbs fucking freak me out. The lack of sound @ night really disturbs me, to the point where I can't be outside at night at all. This may be because I grew up in the city and have always lived in cities. I need the constancy of noise - traffic, dogs, flickering streetlights, something!

2. I have this teddy bear that I've had since the day I was born. His name is Lenny and I have to make sure that he is comfortable at all times. If I notice that he has fallen on his face or is just laying on the floor, I have to make sure to set him back up on a pillow.

3. I haven't told my dad that I love him in at least 10 years. I can't really remember the last time. I am actually not sure if I really do love my dad. I like my dad, I have warm feelings for my dad, but my dad is also a selfish asshole.

4. When I am out in a crowd it makes me really angry and aggressive. I fantasize about punching and kicking the people around me to make them get out of my way. My hands itch for battle.

5. I think I am smarter than most people and it irritates me when I see someone attempting a task and they can't see the logical solution.

6. I often leave the house without looking at myself in a mirror. This horrifies some people. I think it doesn't bother me because I don't wear makeup or "do" my hair so it's not like there's anything I would change were I to check my reflection.

7. I have an incredible fear of bugs of any kind, but especially beetles and cockroaches. It's paralyzing and sometimes gives me panic attacks. I always joke that if someone tried to rob me I would be more likely to hand over everything I own if they threatened me with a bag of roaches rather than a gun or a knife.

I am not tagging anyone because everyone I know on here has already been tagged. AND I don't feel like tagging anyway. :oP


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