The cataloging exam is over! I don't think I've ever waffled back and forth about punctuation on any exam I've ever taken. We got to use our books and our notes, but for some questions I think I actually found conflicting examples, which doesn't help and makes my brain hurt even more. And why was it necessary to have lecture and lab after the exam? I'm already in full out zombie mode due to the last week of studying.
For lunch we had truly awful pizza. Why is it that pizza and middle eastern food are served in the same restaurants in this city? I don't get it. The good thing about the pizza was the price, a mere $1.50 for a generous slice. I didn't pack a lunch today since all I had was instant oatmeal, oranges, and a box of Kraft Dinner, so it was better than nothing. One of my friends told me about a free vegan lunch that's served in the student union building; apparently you bring your own tupperware and fork and get rice, veggies and some sort of dessert. I'm not a vegan, but I'm curious about free food of any sort.
I miss Giant Eagle. Provigo is so inadequate in comparison. I'm still upset with them for not having any yams for my Thanksgiving dinner! But now at least I have bread again. And Tostitos, which in the moment seemed quite essential. And on a semi-related topic, I like I may have lost a few pounds, judged solely on the fact that I had my belt as tight as it would go this morning, and my pants were still completely falling down. (I was told it's because "all [I] eat is peanut butter and jelly sandwiches." What can I say? PB is cheap.)
This afternoon I watched and episode of Law and Order: SVU in French. I had to concentrate really hard and still only understood a few phrases. Ice T's dubbed voice freaked me out a little. I also started reading The Emperor's Children. Even though the McGill library does not buy "fiction" they have plenty of "literature." I've yet to get to a public library, so I'm glad to have a new source of reading material. I only read the first few chapters because, well, I couldn't stay awake any longer, even though it was only 3pm. See above, "zombie mode."
I got an e-mail from Apple today about the new version of OS X that's being released at the end of the month! I'm psyched because after the new release, I'm buying a new computer! I was considering an iMac, but I'm now leaning back towards a new laptop. The only question is:
black or white?