Doctor Who fandom is going batshit today, but at least it's not Torchwood wank! (I don't usually read
fandomsecrets [because it is a wretched hive of scum and villainy I don't care about your thoughts on yaoi] but yesterday's was basically the all Torchwood special wangsting edition.) Moving right along...
The Doctor has a new outfit! And a new companion! I don't really consider a picture of their outfits is spoilery, especially once released by the BBC. If you do, don't click, and just stop reading now, kay? I really had no expectations for Matt Smith's attire (I figure if you build up this image of "OMG the eleventh Doctor must wear
a dickie" then you're just setting yourself up for disappointment.) but I think I quite like this. The bow tie is awesome and sort of old school. Apparently there are also suspenders/braces, which is also fun. (It is my opinion that suspenders are superior in functionality to belts, but suspenders on females seems to be limited mostly to those who are either strippers or genderqueer, of which I am neither, or marching band members, which I'm not anymore.) Anyway. The only thing I'm not so sure about are the rolled up trousers. Is that a permanent thing, or did he just get off his bike and was trying to keep his trousers out of the chain?
Also, I want Karen Gillan's magenta/maroon/whatever Converse. I think it's been well over a year since I bought a new color, so it's totally time, right?
Alex Kingston! In a flowy black dress! With blonde hair! (I assume the skirt will not be pinned up to show her Ugg boots in the real thing. Although if my alternative was putting on those spikey shoes she's carrying, a think I'd stick to the comfy boots.) I personally thought "Silence in the Library"/"Forest of the Dead" was a weak link last season and River Song a tad bit obnoxious... but I find I'm not really bothered if she comes back. Who knows, maybe she could suddenly be really cool. I didn't like Mickey at first, but then I learned he was kickass and mended my ways.
Based on the reactions on my flist, I seem to be in the minority of Doctor/Rose fans who are okay with that story being complete with Ten's run and the show moving on to new and different things. I'm not bothered by other potential romantic relationships in the future. Doctor/Amy or Doctor/River doesn't ruin Doctor/Rose anymore than Doctor/Rose ruined Doctor/Romana, Doctor/Master, Doctor/Sarah Jane, Doctor/Jamie or any of the kajillion permutations Who fans have come up with. (I guess it did ruin the Doctor/Nobody ship, though. Sorry asexualists!) I don't want to hate Moffat's Who before it even starts. In fact, I'm actually kind of excited to see what's in store!