Sep 10, 2009 01:35
Tonight was pleasant.
The four of us seem to have resolved our issues about furniture with our landlord, so we can finally begin to arrange furniture! I have to sell a bunch on Craigslist, but I feel that we'll have to wait until October for our official house warming party.
Regardless, this week has been calm, so I didn't have to do much tonight at the Web Ecology Project meeting. Instead, I got to bike over to MIT early for swing dancing. Only Eveleen showed up, actually, and it was so damp and hot in that cramped room on the third floor that I wasn't really in the mood to lead people around. However, Kathleen -- whom I haven't seen in at least a year-and-a-half -- stopped by, so the three of us had such an amazing time catching up and doing crazy dance moves. Eventually, the night kind of dissolved into me leading the two of them in poorly-led spins, and later me guiding Eveleen in a rolling chair (with accompanying spins) around a corner of the dance floor. All in all, a hilariously fun night. Too bad I had to skip out on Beatles Rock Band with part of the HelloSilo crew, but I'm going to drop by an event at ImprovBoston next Thursday, where there's actually a contest, of both costume and skill!
Oh, and I so totally have a date on Friday. ^_^