Missed an update?
All right, here we go again. Welcome back to our precious little legacy! Last time we had another baby (Eeryore FTW!) and some pictures magically disappeared. Whoops! But I assure you, all pictures are here this chapter.
Since the kids for generation red are being born it was about time that we redecorated the house.Which we did... barely.
Now it's all red, dark and rainbowy. The way everything should be really.
Everything except for Shark and Justin's bedroom... because I'm lazy. And they're technically generation grey so it makes sense.
Bonus mom points to Shark! She actually taught Rapunzel something. Can you believe it?
But... on the other hand. Is it considered a favor when she is sitting like that spreading her legs while wearing... practically nothing? Meh, it's a judgment call.
Shark: Oh you're hungry, sweetie? I'll get you some food as soon as I finish this delicious cake, hun!
Aaaand we're back to bad mom.
75 bucks. That is how much it took me to learn that the babysitters just show up at your house when you call them and that you can't have them show up at a certain time. Or I'm just stupid and you actually can.
Since Rapunzel and Eeyore were both asleep and all their moods were in green (shocking!), he was forced to play chess with Sharky. When we got up to actually do his job, she fired him (and liked it). So basically we spent 75 simoleons for him to babysit Shark.
Shark: Look at me, look at me, I'm making pancakes!
Very good.
Well, focus on your damn pancakes then! You're burning them!
Shark: You can't be mad at me, because I'm pregnant :3
Oh... that's awfully convenient but I guess you're right--
Shark: Uhm... hormones?
The firemen are just way too slow despite us having a fire alarm. Shark and Justin were done freaking out (which is why Justin isn't here... he got bored and walked away) by the time he got there. But of course when he got there he was incredibly helpful by... standing in the fire.
But thankfully Shark and her pregnant belly kicked the fire's ass.
Shark: Ugh, my baby is so annoying just screaming like that.
Fireman: I agree, she's pretty annoying.
Shark: HEY! She may be a pain in the ass... but she's my pain in the ass.
Chucky: Come to me, my love! Let me hold you!
Chucky: Soon, soon...
Noooo... you stay away from her!
Note to self: Keep Shark away from Rapunzel...all babies... all people.
Little Eeyore grew up! Here we go, toddler stages, and that's cool and that's totally awesome.
What? No, I'm not listening to A Very Potter Musical, what made you think that?
Apparently this guy is a celebrity. I'm not sure how or why but... I guess it makes sense for Shark to think a mad scientist guy is a celebrity - she's freaking evil after all.
Shark: Oh my, can I please have an autograph? Can you sign my pregnant belly?
After getting her precious autograph the doctor told her she was going to give birth to a girl. Shark got a little upset as she rolled the want to have a boy. So we bought an apple in hopes that it would change.
Shark: This is an apple.
Shark: OM NOM NOM.
Finally, finally, finally Shark went into labor! I'm definitely ready for the last child especially since this means Shark can finally go to work. She's literally worked for one day before she got pregnant... then she got pregnant two more times without a single work day between. Ahh, they are so lucky to have her.
The apple didn't work... but thankfully we have a name for a girl anyway. Meet baby
Duchess! She rolled the traits Genius and Evil. How interesting (but really out of character).
Now, I think it's time for a little reminder of the naming theme because I know it can be quite difficult. Since this is a Rainbowcy each generation is a different color. The number of letters in the word decides how many children are going to be born that generation.
Red = Three kids
And three kids we had... And each of their names starts with one of the letters in the word.
Rapunzel, Eeyore, Duchess.
Ta da! Complicated, but fun!
So, what comes next? More birthdays? Do the little simmies come up with any more shenanigans?
To be continued. *corny Law & Order music*