Prism Presents: 1.adventure

Jan 28, 2012 12:25

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Well, well, well... if you're like me you never really used the Bon Voyage World Adventures EP. But darn it, when your heiress rolls the want to go on vacation - who am I to deny her? Except that I have denied my Legacy family this... for a long time... let's carry on, shall we?

Duchess: Where am I?

AL SIMHARA! The Sims equivalent of Egypt, filled with pyramids, sand and well, more sand.

Duchess: What's this then? "Adventurer needed."

Great! That's us. Adventurer, here we come!

Duchess: You're not wondering what kind of adventurer it is?

Meh, they'll tell us later. There are a bunch of adventurers around here, you got to jump on things like these. But now, let get you into a more Adventure au Al Simhara friendlier outfit.

Duchess: All right, where's the wardrobe?Err...

I have no idea.

Duchess: Well, let's check in there.

It doesn't seem to have a wardrobe, but I think you just discovered a tomb!

Duchess: What do I do then?

Go play adventurer!

Duchess: Oh, shiny!

Duchess: These heels are not really ideal for this sort of work!

Duchess: That's how it's done.

Did everything go all right?

Duchess: Got some treasures, some blisters and I'm sweating like a pig. I'd say yes.

When we got out, there were a bunch of people in the base camp thing. Other adventures? At least they are dressed appropriately, apart from Duchess!

Duchess tried flirting with one, but it didn't work out. He ran off to do some serious adventuring.

On our way to the adventure lady, we tried to charm a snake. It didn't work out. I think they must have heard gossip from our snake Giles.

Duchess: All right, I'm here. I saw the note about adventure and I'm game. What am I suppose to do?

Lady: You must travel to the Tomb of Discovery and find the hidden treasure!

Duchess: Why though? Can't you tell me why you want me to do this?

Lady: There's no time, you must hurry!

Duchess: Fine. Where's this tomb then?

Lady: It's by the base camp, you must hurry!

But... we were just at that tomb... argh, darn it, we have to go back?

Duchess: Freaking people, can they get any more vague? Maybe I'll just google it later. The Internet never lets me down.

Oh you computer-whiz you. Now run in your high heels, run!

... or bring out the scooter that you don't have.

Duchess: To adventure!

Oh, now you're motivated, are you?

Tiny reading break.

After the treasure was gotten, Duchess brought out the tent she'd bought and spent the night in the tomb.

Duchess: All right, this guy wants the treasure from the tomb. He'll definitely tell us why we're doing it... right?

Duchess: Here you go, guy. Have fun with it or whatever. What did you need it for anyway?

Guy: You must bring me four turquoise gems! Quickly!

Duchess: No! Not until someone freaking tells me why I'm doing this!

Duchess: I really need to stand my ground.

He didn't tell you anything, huh?

Duchess: Shut up.

Duchess: Where the heck am I?!

While we were there, we had to check out the pyramids.

... and the tombs inside.

Duchess was determined to collect everything inside, even the insects.

One tomb and three more turqouise gems later... Duchess found a little house where she could spend the night.

The next morning we headed back to the guy with the gems. We also met a hawk... or an eagle, I can't remember.

Duchess: I shall name him Rex!

Giles... Rex... our animals can't have normal names.

Then Duchess headed off running. I feel sorry for her feet.

Duchess: All right, you. I got the freaking gems.Guy: *stares into nothing*

Duchess: Hello?!

Duchess: This vacation is killing me! ARGH! Nom nom nom.

What did the guy say?

Duchess: He took the gems and said to go to a tomb.

You know, you don't have to be an adventurer if you don't want to.

Duchess: It's too late now! I need to know what these people are freaking up to.

The next tomb wasn't that easy.

Really not easy.

Duchess: Treasure? Yes, thank you!
Duchess: Treasure? Yes, thank you!

Oh, shut up all ready.

Uhm... Duchess?

Duchess: You're just cranky. I mean, treasure? Yes, thank--

Look behind you, girl.

Run, Duchess, run!

Despite a mummy attack, Duchess was in the mood for one more tomb.

I had no idea how to solve this room... but I took a guess and pushed the most red statue and voila!

Duchess: Fire? No problem.

You jumped over the fire?

Duchess: I told you, it's fine.

What about the arrows over there? How are you going to get by them?

Duchess: I don't know. Jump?

I don't think that's such a good idea...

It was not a good idea and for a moment, I thought I'd killed her. But then my game was kind enough to say that it was the end of our vacation and then sent us home. Crisis averted? I'll never know.

But this is the end of the first chapter of Duchess' Adventures. She bought a camera while she was there and that turned out to be way too fun. The vacation also turned out to be a lot more fun than I thought, so I am definitely going to come back (and explore the other vacation spots). But until then, happy simming!

sims 3, generation 1, generation 0, prism presents, duchess, duchess adventure

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