On the crest of a dancing wave (nov 2010)

Nov 23, 2010 01:21

I just reread all my posts. So I feel I have to make an update about dancing.

Last September I started taking dancing lessons in balfolk.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfolk
We are the beginner's group; there are 3 more advanced levels. Our teachers are two women. They both dance both roles. I am the only female student who leads. Women tend to follow and men tend to lead. But sometimes people dance the other role. I like this culture which permits men and women (and other) to dance both roles.
Balfolk does not require you to bring a dancing partner with you. I didn't. There is a group of balfolk dances in which people change partners each cycle. There is a group of balfolk dances in which people form a long row and there is only one role (and not two).

Last October I started a 3rd/4th year course in ballroom dancing with T. Well, I suppose it is more like a 4th year course. More challenging, but that makes it more fun. T and I have followed 8 lessons so far. I lead, T follows. We dance at a school for same sex couples. Any gender combination is welcome, the man-man and woman-woman couples are predominant.
T dances with two other people/women, but she leads while dancing with them. This could be the beginning of a longer partnership in ballroom dancing. Let's wait and hope.

So, things are currently going well for me with respect to dancing.
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