Feb 28, 2011 10:31

So it's been a long while since I've dumped art here on ElJay.  Mostly because I... just never got around to it.  Lazy Alex.  Anyway, prepare to see a bunch of scribblings that will really only make sense to me and  fatal_rob0t .


Just a pose.  Might turn this into something, I really like it.

Trying to rework my StarWars character a little bit.  She used to be sort of gothy looking.

First attempt at that sexy bitch Cain from STARFIGHTER.  Fuck his hair, man, it defies gravity.

And because I'm an outrageous follower, I had to make a fighter of my own.  Meet Agrippa.  He was intended to be a she.  But became a gorgeous man.


The first of many scribbles I did of Helen over the past two months.  She's too cute not to indulge in.

Tom Riddle very briefly had a thing for Helen.  But then again, a lot of people have.  Damn Greeks, they're so pretty and perfect and gragh...

Saw the pose in a magazine.  Thought it was cute.

Sad Helen?  Not sure I like this one very much... I was trying new noses.

Pretty Dance Helen because POSES.

Blah blah, are we bored of her yet?



Lol, Jon in a deerstalker will never get old.  Those hats are automatic sex.

Super short RP, cute nun, he saves her life, blah blah.

This is always Lol.  Jonny and his aunt Joy, though emotionally she's more like his baby sister, having watched her grow up.  How is she younger than him, you may ask?

Well, because she's the daughter of his sexy immortal grandparents.  Aelfgar and Kalpana, the eternal lovey-dovey newlyweds.

Anyway, Joy "Algers" (taken from Aelfgar, she's daddy's girl) is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters to play.  She's an art nerd whose homes reside in England, Mexico, Italy, Argentina, and Luxembourg.  Her job is to restore ancient artworks, while painting her own commissions on the side.

Oh, and that line on her chest is a nasty scar from a Vatican Witch Hunter.  Neat, huh?


Oh, there is no end to my love of this character.

A map of her scarring.  I'm sure there's plenty more on her back, but the idea is there.

*happy noise*


Nessa, oh Nessa.  You're bloody brilliant.

Too bad people at the Ministry are Dicks.


Beibhinn is awesome, too.  You don't mess with a Knight of the Round Table.  Well, one of their reincarnations, anyway.  She was Perceval.  8D

Oh yeah.  Irish girls are totally awesome.

She'll even tell Merlin what's what.


Did I mention that all Greeks are sexy and perfect?


Master of the Pout, and Queen of Tom Riddle's Heart.  Yes, she indulges in fancy titles.

Luca and Bahir.  Aren't they just fun?

And finally...

Tristan Quinn-Nahond and Pod!Lex showing off the scars they've received.

Oh, Tristan, never stop being sexy...

joy nahond, lol lexy is a fuckin' sue, fan characters, merlin, nessa emer ward, hogwarts characters, tristan nahond, tom riddle, ocs, aksinya ludivine, beibhinn, kalpana nahond, starfighter, helen io, aelfgar nahond

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