Nov 18, 2009 23:28
Well, I've been trying not to say anything because I don't want to... seem insensitive to the worries of those on my Friends List. It's that time of the year where people are worrying about their grades, and some people are really struggling. I hope everyone is able to recover and get good, if not great, marks.
Here is the problem though--I am worried about my grades, but not because I am worried that I will fail a class and possibly lose parental support or have to leave school. I am concerned that I will get less than a B in Chinese and lose my 3.80 (currently 3.83) GPA and not receive my Summa Cum Laude. I have not done well on the last two tests and I am really scared that I will get a B- or less. =( I know that isn't a earth-shattering concern, but I've worked really, really hard to keep my GPA up there and it's depressing to think that it might fall at the last minute. There isn't much I can do about it at this point, except hope against hope that 1. I get an A+ in my Dao De Jing class, and 2. that my homework and written work make up for the low tests and somehow I pull out a B from that. I'm so worried I feel like breaking down and crying, but I know that won't do me any bit of good. I know I will survive if I don't meet this goal, but I'll be (metaphorically) crushed for a long time. =(