In which Amy watches Dr. Who

Jan 23, 2009 15:41

So the good news is that there is Doctor Who marathon on SciFi channel. The bad news is, it's season 2 meaning no Donna and lots of Rose. =(

On the topic of Doctor Who, last night I had trouble going to sleep because I started thinking about "Blink" and I spooked myself. It's been, what, two years since I've seen that episode? It still scares me a little bit.

I am going to give the new Doctor a chance, but I was a little surprised at how young he is. I showed my mum (who has seen a couple episodes with me, including "Blink") a picture and said, "See that guy? He is the new Doctor."

"He's too young!"

"Does he dazzle you?"

"Ha. When you first showed me the picture, I thought you were going to say that he was a new vampire guy in Twilight."

Sometimes my mum is awesome.

sparkle motion, sometimes my mum is awesome, doctor who

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