Jul 02, 2010 13:18
Trying to keep this at least a little updated.... I know it's not going very well though! And I'm trying to keep this on the positive side, because I'm pretty sure my next post will be a negative one.
But my summer class is finished now. I had my exam last week, and handed my paper in last week. The exam was horrible!! I walked out of there thinking "I know I failed that - it's a question of how badly I failed it." Turns out I passed it. Not a good mark by any means, however when you're 99% sure you failed it, a pass is pretty damned good. So "yay!" there. Actually it amuses me a little. The midterm I studied really hard for - harder than I've studied for anything else before, and I walked out thinking it went really well. It didn't go well. And this exam that I didn't study for, and thought went horribly?? I only got 1.5% less on. Go figure. This is the last time I waste precious time studying. It really makes no difference for me apparently. The paper that I wrote though, apparently the professor loved. I got an A+ on it \o/ So my final mark in the course is decent. It'll pull my GPA down a bit, but I'm still pleased with it considering the difficulty of the course, and that I thought I'd failed the final exam (which was worth 45% of the final mark).
Next up in the positive news category - I decided to join a co-ed floor hockey team. A former colleague of mine posted on Facebook that he was putting a team together and needed females. So I messaged him about it, and it sounds like fun and I love hockey (well watching it at least >_>). So I joined the team! Then the good/bad news is I'm the only female on the team. I'm sure you can see how that would be good news ;) However the rules state that a female must be on the floor at all times for the 55 minute game. So as the only female I have to play 55 minutes - that's a lot of running. I'm thankful that I've been getting ready for a 10km race. First game is next Thursday. Wish me luck :D
I think I mentioned it last year on LJ - that I did a 14km Chocolate Race. Well I signed up for it again. And my girlfriend who was supposed to go with me last year is all signed up to go too. They've changed the courses, so rather than 14km it's only 10km this year, which is much more preferable. The race isn't till the end of August so that's good. Lots of time to prepare and train still.
And lastly, my horse (Austin), has been out on a lease since February. Essentially I had no time for him, and there was a girl that wanted to show him. So she paid me a lease fee to borrow him for the show season, and she takes over all the costs for the season, but I retain ownership and get him back after championships. Champs are in September, so the least was supposed to finish at the end of Sept. But due to other circumstances, she has to end it earlier than planned, so I get him back at the end of August instead \o/ Even though I see him frequently and this girl really does love him, I miss him so much. I'm going crazy not having him. Like actually crazy. Next year I'll have to figure something out so that I manage my time better so I can keep riding him and keep up with my school work (well based on the exam mentioned above, we can eliminate studying time I guess!!). Less than 2 months - let the countdown begin!