Sep 26, 2007 01:28
Well, maybe I should try and see what will happen.
I can't stop thinking about my ex-boyfriend tonight. I hate it. Some days I don't think about him that much but other days I think about him all day. I want to call him but I told myself not to. I even deleted his phone numbers from my cellphone and I delete him from my msn (Well, he doesn't show himself when he is online. He stay "offline" so I can't see when he is online or not), I only delete his e-mail, I didn't block him because he will not come talk to me anyway. He will not bother to call either, he doesn't like to call to people. Well, he used to call me when he was with me. Well, I don't need to see him anymore, even if I want to see him.
I want to see him but at the same time I don't that it's not worth my time. I would like to meet someone though. But at the same time I want to take care of myself first. I feel a little depress, but maybe after I will move from this room, I will be happier. Well, I would like too be more happier because I don't really feel happy even if I look happy.
I will finally move from where I'm living right now. Finally! I can't wait! I'm here since automn 2003. I can't believe it. lool. I thought that I would be out of here sooner than that. But now it's really going to happen! I'm going to have an appartment!! I will live with one of my friend, I work with her too. We sign for 21 months, 285$ per month. It's less than here but that doesn't include Tv and internet but It include electricity and heat so, it's cool. I can't wait too have my double bed. I'm sleeping in a single bed for 4 years so I really can't wait for a real bed!!!
I have a exam this morning, arg, I have to go to bed. I have to wake up and study. :( I'm not really sure if I understand quite well what I have to study... Well, I will study when I will woke up and maybe it will makes sense when I will be reading the questions of the exam.
Well, now I have to go to bed. Maybe if you ask questions I could write the answer in another post and talk about it. So if you are curious about anything, just ask.
Well, goodnight.