Get your own valentinr OMG HP YAY!
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your journal with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
1. What do you love most about Australia?
It's more the people I know here than the actual place...though where I lived in New Zealand wasn't very big (it is for New Zealand, but only about 100-120,000 pop) so there were less opportunities. And I like that here there are like so many jobs and Universities in the same city, so I have more choice.
2. Are you a Gryffindor with Ravenclaw tendencies or a Ravenclaw with Gryffindor tendencies?
I would like to say Raven with Gryff, but really it's Gryffindor with Ravenclaw tendencies. I just like identifying with Ravenclaw because everyone and their mother is like "OMGZZ! I'm Gryffindor like Harry Potter!!"
3. What is your favourite movie of all time?
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (IS SO one movie! =D) before I saw that, it would have been The Lion King. =D
4. Who is your perfect mate?
Damned if I know. *cough*Remus*cough* LOL no, not really. I think. Well, doesn't matter anyway, he's not real. =D They have to have a sense of humour though. And be reasonably intelligent. I don't like huge muscly guys, in all honesty, skinny dorks are sexier. =D And I'm quite a fan of narrow hips, dark hair, fair eyes and a boyish smile. But as long as someone's got a sense of humour and is smart, the rest isn't as important.
5. Do you want children?
I didn't for a long time, but I'm thinking I want to adopt. Maybe adopt one and have one. I'm adopted, and I know my life as it is is better than the life I'd have had otherwise. I want boys mainly, but y'know, as long as they're healthy and all that. I don't think I'd want more than two kids. Three would be pushing it. 4 is right out. =D
1. What is the favourite thing about the place you live? And if you could live somewhere else where would it be and why?
1 - The people. =D I really like my school and everything. =D If I could live somewhere else...I wouldn't want to just now, but I'd like to live in Britain or Canada for a while one day. Just because it would be a whole new experience. Coming from New Zealand, Britain has a strong pull on me. snows in Canada and it just seems like an awesome country. Plus it's one of the few countries which I think is as beautiful as New Zealand.
2. What draws you to Remus Lupin? I know we all have our specific reasons, what are yours?
He's smart and has a sense of humour. Those are the base things, and by that token, I'm also drawn to Sirius, Harry, Fred & George and James Potter. But Remus...he's not effortlessly brilliant like Sirius & James, he has to work at it. His whole life, nothing is easy for him. I love him because he spends to much time and effort trying to protect people from Voldemort - people who hate him for what he is. He's constantly in a battle with himself, his personality is so opposite of the wolf he becomes...I just think it's a really interesting dynamic. Also, the Remus who lives in my head is gorgeous. Not in an "everyone wants him" way like Sirius, but a more understated way. He's plain if you just glance at him, but he has beautiful eyes and a wonderful smile. =D
3. *Looking at your interests* Can you explain Suggestive Badminton to me? Or is it as obvious as I think?
LOL How obvious do you think it is? Me and my friends sometimes play badminton at school (in the Major Gym), and one time it was while the Australian Open was on, so we started mucking around and imitating that female tennis player who grunts really loudly. I've forgotten her name. So yeah, we got progressively more suggestive with the grunting and moaning, and it was just hilarious. We were all trying to out-do each other. LOL one of my friends, Chris, starting moaning "Viggo!" because he had a huge crush on Viggo Mortensen. I always wonder if anyone heard us and what they thought because there were boys and girls all moaning and then of course, we came out all sweaty from running, hehehe.
4. Was Hp your first slash fandom? If not what was and why were you drawn to it. If yes, same question, why were you drawn to it.
Yes indeed it was. =D Well, my first even HP shi was R/Hr, because of a fan vid I watched. I still have it on my Hard Drive =D. That lasted maybe 3 weeks tops, and I moved on to Harry/Hermione and Draco/Ginny. Then one day I thought "Hmmm. I love reading about Harry, and about Draco..." so I ended up reading some Harry/Draco and was like "OMG! This is what I've been missing!!"
5. If you could meet one person, alive or dead, who would they be and why.
Oh, gosh. Um...if they can be fictional, Remus, because DUH I love him. If they have to be first thought was Tsarevitch Alexei Romanov, which is probably because I find him interesting, but I don't speak Russian, LOL. So there goes that. I guess, predictably, it would be JK Rowling. =D
So, school started on Wednesday. I'm taking Literature, Psychology, Maths General Further, English Language, History of the 21st Century and Biology. =D
LOL I have Mr Spong for Psych - he's cool. =D As he was writing the word 'behaviour' on the board, he goes "And please spell it the British/Australian way." and I was thinking "OMG WIN for Mr Spong!"
Heheh and he was introducing himself, so he goes "You can call me Mr Spong, Mr S, Sir...I'll also answer to 'Master' if you're so inclined. What you call me will probably depend on whether you like me or not, and whether or not I can hear you." XD
LOL My history teacher hates Bush. When one of the students asked why we don't just bomb North Korea (he's not the brightest bulb in the box) and she goes "At a guess? There's no oil." and about 5 of us snickered. Unfortunately, the rest of the class had no idea what was amusing.
And - just because: