Okay, maybe I won't put them all in this post. I'll likely get a bit lazy. But needless to say I have meme catching up to do! Eh...it's probably better to spread them out a bit actually. Anyways...
The fantastic but woefully late Harry Potter Friday Five!
1. Potions or Charms?
Charms seems a lot more fun, so I'll pick that, but I think I'd be rather good at Potions. I mean, it's like baking in a way, right? I don't bake often, but I've never baked anything that went wrong.
2. Inferi or Boggarts?
Boggarts, definitely. Inferi are like zombies basically speaking, which is kind of a one-trick pony. Boggarts show your worst fear - that's so much more interesting. I'm not even sure what mine is, so it'd be a good way of finding out. =D
3. Beauxbatons or Durmstrang?
Durmstrang. They seem a rather more pleasant bunch on the whole, not snobby. Though admittedly we don't see much of either school and it's hard to judge.
4. Arthur or Molly?
Arthur, he's funny. A bit less of a nag, even though Molly nags out of love. His whole fascination with Muggles & stuff is awesome. =D
5. Sir Nicholas or The Fat Lady?
Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington. =D The Fat Lady isn't all that interesting, she just gets drunk at Christmas & stuff. Nick though - ever since he said "Sir Properly-Decapitated Podmore" I've been like "Made of awesome!".
1. Are you going to look at every possible spoiler you can before the book comes out? Did you with HBP and how accurate were the ones you saw?
No. I don't mind spoilers in general, but I really don't want to be finding out who dies, so...I'll be avoiding them before the book comes out. I don't think I did with HBP...LOL I can't remember! I feel old. (not really =D) When I was your age, Pluto was a planet! *Shakes fists* *waves walking stick* *rides public transport for less*
2. What will you do if Amazon (or whoever) don't deliver your copy on time, and everyone is reading it except you?
I don't get it delivered, I get up super early for the 9.01am (I think) book release. Strangely, for the past two years I haven't started reading the book the moment it's in my hot little hands. The years I've been lining up have been successful, GOF I was 2nd, OOTP I was 2nd and got 2 OOTP boxes XD, HBP I was 12th. Got to make a huge effort for DH. 3am here I come. =D So as soon as I get it I walk all the way back down the line of people waiting, mainly to see how long it is, and partially because ZOMG I have the book and they don't because they're not comitted enough to get up early.
3. Will you read the last chapter before anything else? Are you planning to read the book all in one go or are you a slow reader?
I cannot imagine why anyone who cared enough about HP to get it on the first day would read the last chapter first. I'll read it all in one go, I'm a zippy fast reader. =D
4. What's your theory on the meaning of "Deathly Hallows?"
Don't have one, I'm not much for theorizing. I can't imagine it means sunshine and rainbows, though.
5. What's the craziest Harry Potter theory you've got, which you could only share with your trusted f-list?
Ack, I don't have one! I wish I did now. Hang on, I'll make one up... Okay, Peter betrayed his friends partially because he's a WANKER, but partially because he wasn't invited to their incredibly hot, top secret threesomes. =D
6. If you could write in a sub-plot of your own choosing to the main Harry one, what would it be?
A Remus/Sirius one, duh. =D It would fit in so well, though it would cause Remus a lot of greif. Couldn't they have been kissing or something in Snape's memory? LOL not really, The HP books aren't Mills & Boon novels, are they? I guess I'd just like more Marauder stuff. =D
7. Who do you think will die in the book, and who would you be most upset to see die, even if you don't think it's likely?
Well, I think Voldemort's a goner. Though wouldn't it be a hell of a twist if Voldemort won? Um...As good as Snape is at playing people off one another, I think it's going to be very hard for him to get through all this. Probably one of the Weasleys too, there are 9 of them, and odds on one will go. Lucius, hopefully Hagrid will die. And Peter Pettigrew had better die too. OMG IF REMUS DIED I WOULD BE INCONSOLABLE. *sniffle*
8. Name three main (ish) characters who you think will definitely live and why. Is there a very minor character(s) you really want to have a happy ending?
Well, the Trio, because Harry couldn't really 'win' if one of them died, and the hero always wins. I do hope Neville has a happy ending. Um...Remus doesn't really count as a minor character to me, but goes without saying that he'd better have a happy ending because OMG he deserves it.
9. If you don't like the book, or are bitterly disappointed by it, do you think you'll still stay in the fandom?
Of course! If I don't like the book, I'll be reading fanfiction, won't I? But I haven't disliked any of the books, and DH would have to be pretty bad to be less popular than HBP was.
10. One word (or concise) answers only!
- Snape - Out for himself. Greasy.
- Bill - Awesome. =D
- Peter - I have nothing but profanities.
- The Weasleys - Odds are against them, but here's hoping.
- If no to the above - ...it wasn't a yes/no question. It wasn't even a question, actually.
- Did Snape love Lily - He might have wanted to bonk her, but I wouldn't say 'love'.
- Hogwarts - Where's MY letter?!
- Remus and Tonks - Yuck. WTFery - Remus is so GAY, LOL.
- Bellatrix - Few cards short of a deck. Showdown with Neville.
- The new leader of the OotP is ...? - Moody? McGoogles? I don't think Harry will he won't have the time.
- Percy -
Jackass, will be redeemed.
11. If Harry could take just one adult Order of the Phoenix member with him on the search for Horcruxes, who should it be and why?
I would hope it were Remus, because I'm always keen to see more of Remus, but I dunno who he'd take...Okay no I've thought about it and yeah, Remus. That's who I'd take. =D
12. Will Remus and Greyback have a confrontation in human or werewolf form? Will Tonks be involved? Who will the other werewolves support?
I don't think we'll get to see it if it happens. We'll hear about it, or it will be like a duel, Remus using his wand and Fenrir mainly trying to gouge his eyes out or something, but only kinda mentioned by Harry because Harry will be otherwise occupied. I dunno, the other werewolves are peobably out for themselves.
13. Who is the person from Harry's class (and it isn't him, Ron or Hermione), who will become a Hogwart's teacher? What subject will they teach?
I know everyone's said it, but Neville, Herbology.
14. Do you think Harry will observe Remus looking less lined and walking with a little more of a spring in his step? If so, do you think he'll attribute it to Tonks, and if he does, will he blush?
God, I hope not. That's a bit romance-novel. Though Remus blushing is a very cute image.
15. Will Ginny use, "But Professor Lupin saw the futility of being a noble prat!" for one of her million arguments with Harry about why they should be together? Do you think they'll get back together at all?
LOL the writer of this meme was a Tonks/Remus shipper. I don't think she'll agrue with him about it. She knows he's gotta do what he's gotta do. I think Ginny understands Harry quite well, and know when to leave him alone rather than nag like Hermione would.
16. Which house do you think Tonks is in, and why? Is she going to morph into someone important and who will it be?
Gryffindor would be the defaul answer, but someone said she could be a good Slytherin, which would be rather interesting indeed. She must be agood student to be an Auror, so Ravenclaw's a possibility. Fair play and all that for Hufflepuff...it's hard to say, really.
17. Who will be revealed to be the heir of Gryffindor?
I'd like it to be Regulus Black, but that doesn't work because it would be Sirius...ah...Harry I guess, but that's pretty obvious. Dumbledore maybe? NO! Neville should be!
18. As JKR has promised the final chapter will be like an epilogue; how do you think the final paragraph (hopefully) donated to Remus' future, and/or Tonks', and/or anyone else you want to write a paragraph on, will read?
Dunno. S'long as it ties up loose ends, I'm happy. I do want to know all about Remus though. =D Of course. =D But I'd really it rather not be 'Remus & Tonks lived happily ever after & had 6 kids and a dog, blah blah blah'.
19. Which question from the books would it annoy you most not to have answered?
Why is Harry having Lily's eyes important? Because DUDE, it's shoved down our throats like every time and we still don't know!
20. What do you think the last line of the book is?
"Of course you're bisexual, Harry!" said Remus, chuckling. "All witches & wizards are! We're nymphomaniacs, too! Nymphadora isn't called that for nothing. Why, one time Sirius and I were enjoying ourselves in the Shack..."Remus blushed. "Well. Suffice to say, I've still got the scar."
Are you available?: Yes. Not looking as such, but open to possibilities.
What is your age?: 16.
What annoys you?: Hypocrisy. Intolerance. Discrimination. Ignorance from people who are perfectly able to educate themselves. Coasters sticking to the bottom of my glass. Not being able to find a pen when I'm taking a message. Dad pronouncing 'Italian' as 'Eye-talian' because he knows it annoys me.
Do you live in a big house?: Eh...big for two people I guess. Not big by housey standards.
When is your birthday?: August 18
Who is your best friend?: Guy, Sam & Chrissy.
What's your favorite candy?: Gummi Bears. =D
Who's your crush?: You say that like there's only one.
When was the last time you cried?: Yesterday, because I had a tummy bug and had to be sick, so had to kinds of make myself, and you don't want to know so I'll stop talking about it.
Do you daydream?: Hell yes. You know that place between waking and sleeping. I'm mayor or that place.
What's your favorite kind of dog?: Dunno...Siberian Huskies are pretty awesome. Maltese are cute. Labs - everyone loves Labs.
What day of the week is it?: Friday.
How do you like your eggs?: Unfertilised Eh, depend on my mood. Fried, scrambled, soft boiled, poached...
Have you ever been in the emergency room?: Yes. Not for me though.
What's the easiest thing ever to do?: Um, see? You're always seeing. Even when you close your eyes you're just seeing the inside of your eyelids.
Have you ever flown in a plane?: Frequently. I love planes. I'm fascinated by everything in the sky. Especially when the moon is full and REALLY bright. I have to go outside in the middle of the night and stare.
Do you use fly swatters?: No. By the time you've found the swatter, the fly is gone.
Have you ever used a foghorn?: No, but what fun it sounds!
Do you chew gum?: Not often. When you chew gum three times a day every day for over a year for a chewing gum trial, you kinda get over it a bit.
Are you a giver or a taker?: Both.
Do you like gummy candies?: OMG YES.
How are you?: I'm super! Thanks for asking! All things considered I couldn't be better if I tried!
What's your height?: 160-something centimetres. YAY metric system!
What colour is your hair?: Dark brown at the top, light brown with coppery streaks at the bottom.
What's your favourite ice cream?: Cookies 'n' Cream
Have you ever ice skated?: Yes. I used to take lessons.
Would you live in an igloo?: Yeah, temporarily. It'd be an experience. =D Not many people can say they've lived in an igloo. And they're quite warm, actually.
What's your favourite jelly bean?: The black ones, OMG!
Have you ever heard a really hilarious joke?: Yes, but I can't recall any right now.
Do you wear jewellery?: Necklaces sometimes.
Who do you want to kill?: Hagrid? LOL No one really.
Do you want kids?: Yeah, only 1 or 2.
Where did you have kindergarten?: Dunedin. Halfway Bush and Wakari
Are you laid back?: Yes.
Do you lie?: No! I never lie! Okay, that was a lie. =D
Have you ever been to London?: I wish!
What's your favourite movie?: The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Star Wars & The Lion King. & Narnia. Okay, I have a lot of faves. =D
Do you still watch Disney movies?: Yes. I watched one today and two yesterday. =D
What type of music you listen to?: Heaps or different ones. Though Blue and country are rather under-represented.
Do you have a nickname?: Lots. Kimberley, Kimmy, Kimothy, Squish, Bob, Alexi, 'Lexi, Sexy 'Lexi (friends)Sackman, Snacks 'n' Axes, Eggman, Tierman, The sack (my brother - there's more. Many more) Brucey, Arthur (any old-ashioned male name, really - Dad), Sausage, Cookie, honey etc (Mum). Look, basically I'll respond to anything.
Favourite number?: 9
Do you prefer night over day?: I prefer being awak then, but they both have merits.
What’s your one wish?: Twu wuv.
Are you an only child?: No. Brother, Dylan, 24.
Do you wish this was over?: I'm actually doing this from Z upwards, and N's halfway, so...I might by the time I get to G.
What one fear are you most paranoid about?: Eh, nothing I can think of.
Do you love the colour pink?: Only hot pink. And I wouldn't say love.
Are you a perfectionist?: Only with some things.
Are you quick to judge people?: Only if their behaviour is quite severe or alarming.
Do you wish you were a Queen?: Not really, no. I'd have to be prim and proper and have a Regnal name like Elizabeth or whatever.
Have you ever rode a quad?: You mean ridden? A quad? A quad bike? I've ridden a quad bike. Siobhan - it was Jason Scott's. =D
Do you think you're always right?: Only when I'm actually right based on facts, rather than me just thinking I'm right because I'm me. Though I have been known to think that.
Do you watch reality TV: I don't watch much TV. I like the Amazing Race though.
What’s a good reason to cry?: This question is stupid. <-IAWTC <-IAWTCT <-- IAWTC
Do you prefer sun or rain?: I prefer rain, plus we really need it. We're not even allowed to wash our cars anymore!
What's your favourite season?: Anything but Summer. I'm partial to Autumn & Winter.
What time is it?: 10:19pm
What time did you wake up?: 11:30 am.
When was the last time you slept in a tent?: Gosh, um...when I was 9 or 10?
Do you own an umbrella?: It doesn’t rain often enough.
Can you ride a unicycle?: I've never tried, but I'd really like to. =D
Have you ever said someone was ugly?: Yes. Cillian Murphy. I find him hideously ugly, like I can't even look at him.
What’s the worst veggie?: Brussels Sprouts and cooked cabbage. URGH.
Where do you want to go on vacation?: Canada
Where was your last family vacation to?: Eh, I guess I'm on one now, almost. Staying near the beach with Dad's girlfriend, Anne. Though the last proper holiday was to New Zealand. =D
What's your worst habit?: Procrastinating.
Where do you live?: Melbourne, Australia.
Who's your hero?: Don't really have one. I admire Mum. =D
Have you ever had an x-ray?: Yes. And I got an "I was X-Rayed!" sticker. =D
Have you seen the x-games?: Yes. =D
Do you own a xylophone?: No. *sad*
Do you like the colour yellow?: Yes.
What year were you born in?: 1990. Nice round number, that. I'll never have trouble remembering how old I was in whatever-the-random-year we're talking about. =D Current year, minus ten years is my age, prettymuch. =D Handy.
What’s one thing you yearn for?: A warm romantic embrace.
What’s your zodiac sign?: Sun in Leo, Moon in Cancer, Leo Ascendant.
Do you believe in the zodiac?: I don't believe it tell the future, but I think it's interesting how people's personalities sometimes corrlate with their signs. Mine does. =D
What's your favourite zoo animal?: Er, Polar Bears!
Comment to this post and I'll tell you my fave icon of yours. Then repost this in your journal with you own fave icon. =D
Hmm. I still have that movies meme, but this post is already too long, so...another day. Congratulations and COOKIES to you if you read all of that. =D