So, I've decided to only do a few people at a time. Only two right now because I happen to have a lot of Elijah pics. I'm getting the feeling that James will need his own picpsam. =D
So, this works well, because I'm lazy, and too many pics in one post is a bit full on.
Also, randomly:
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And I love that clip of him dancing! He's hilarious. XD
I love that he looks the same, even when he's tiny. =D
Heh, Dan Radcliffe sometimes gets mistaken for him, and he says he's signed autographs as Elijah before. =D
I don't understand how anyone could get Dan and Elijah confused. For one, Dan has a British accent and Elijah has an American one. For another, Dan is a teenager, and Elijah is older. But it's cool that Dan still signs the autographs as Elijah. He's so sweet to do that for the fans.
Yes, you'd think the accents would be a bit of a tip off...All I can say is that these Elijah fans musn't have been very big fans. I can kinda see why peole would mix them up, it's like Leo DiCaprio and Matt Damon - they have like similar shaped head or something, and you might mistake them at a glance, but if you really knew what they looked like you wouldn't.
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