So, there's this magazine that comes with the paper on Sundays. The Age Melbourne Magazine. Interesting some weeks, boring occasionally, but worth a perusal.
This issue was one of the best.
Because, one, they have an interview with a girl who has the exact same hand as I do. I don't know what it's called, but maybe I have a picture somewhere. I'll look later.
Two, they had a story on Rove. I love Rove. He hosts a live TV show. He's funny, and pretty cute, too. Plus he's a really really nice guy.
The third, was this article they had where they went to different places around the world to ask people what they knew about Melbourne. And they got some pretty funny replies. Well, I found them amusing, because I live here.
Some of the people were quite close. But I'm not going to tell you about them. They're not funny. =D
P=Person being asked
M=My comments
P - I don't know where Melbourne is. I went to Korea on a business trip, Melbourne sounds familiar.
I - It's in Australia.
P - I see.
I - Have you heard of the Commonwealth Games?
P - No, sorry.
P - My image is that it's a small place, maybe around 20,000 people.
M - Actually, about 3 million.
New York
P - Melbourne? Sounds like the name of a store...(blah blah) It's in Australia. It belongs to England. They speak English. They're hard to understand.
P - I don't know for sure what language they speak, but I guess it's broken English. It's hard to understand them.
M - Broken English? What the? Who the heck thinks Australians speak Broken English?
P - I've no idea what Melbourne's like but I'm very interested. It's the same kind of interest I have for distant planets like Pluto.
P - There's this port and a shell-like thing poking out of the water. Very nice indeed. ...(blah blah)...They do speak English out there, don't they? I mean, I would, if I were them. I do know a lesbian woman who lives there.
M - Shell-like thing must be the Sydney opera house, which obviously isn't in Melbourne, but that's a good guess. Yes, we do speak English. *facepalm* I wonder, all these people who don't know what language we speak, what do they think we speak? Yiddish? And the remark about the lesbian woman cracks me up. I's so random. The fact that he has to say she's a