+ I haven't really been writing because I haven't particularly been doing anything.
WAIT! THAT IS A LIE. I forgot the things I did.
Er, what has really happened is that I have sort of started keeping a diary again, so I guess I sort of fell off the LJ wagon a bit. I wouldn't say I was someone who needed to write things down to make sense of them but sometimes I like to write things just so they're written, so I can revisit them. Also, I talk to a few of you on chat so often that I forget to actually update everyone else on what might be going on. Also I am a little tired right now, but it's the irreverent sort of tired, where I just say whatever comes out of my mouth, and feel things too deeply and also not deeply enough, at the same time.
~*The Things I Did*~
+ I SAW LOVE NEVER DIES. It was AMAZING and I think my brain had an orgasm, no word of a lie. I have already booked a ticket to see it again, this time from the front row. I've never been in the front row before, so that should be interesting. ANYWAY GO SEE IT IF YOU CAN. I know it didn't get good reviews in the West End but they've made changes to it for the Australian production and I am serious, it was fantastic, enthralling, spectacular.
+ I saw X-Men: First Class, and if you follow me on Tumblr at all it will be no surprise to you when I say here that HOLY SHIT HELLO NEW FANDOM. I knew I'd love it before I saw it because a) I have loved James McAvoy for years, b) I enjoyed all the other X-Men movies (except Wolverine, because it was just, actually, a terrible film) and c) it promised to be epically bromantic. IT DELIVERED. Also, I had not seen Michael Fassbender in anything before in my life and thus was unprepared for the epic levels of SEXY that he is, omfg. If they make a spin-off that is just ERIK LEHNSHERR: NAZI HUNTER I will watch that and I will have ~urges~. Patricia and I watched Centurion for the sole purpose of enjoying Sharkbender (it was a ridiculous film) and then at the end the credits said Eoin Macken was in it too BUT WE COULD NOT FIND HIM ANYWHERE. :(
+ Um so basically now I am in love with James McAvoy/Michael Fassbender's bromance. IT'S LIKE DRUGS. I am favouring the ship name McFassy because it rhymes with sassy but I also like McBender and Fassavoy. They just have excellent names for smooshing, man. Also if I'd been a boy I'd have been called Michael James so look clearly some part of me has been waiting for this my whole life. I am serious - watch this and tell me they aren't AMAZING.
Click to view
I am going to wake up in the morning and be a little like "What the hell was I blathering about?" but I can almost guarantee that you will never ever get a drunk!post from me so this is the closest you will get.
Deal with it.