+ MERLIN FINALE WAS EPIC. I will post properly about it on Wednesday, methinks.
+ Ashikaaaaa your card arrived! THANK YOUUU :D
+ I am going up to see Patricia (
mcgooglykins) on Wednesday! :D :D :D My whole family's going up to the Gold Coast from the 11th-18th, but I'm going up early to see Patricia :D
have fun in QLD!
It actually arrived yesterday, but I have an internet curfew at home and I got unplugged right as I was trying to post that entry, so. :P
Thanks! :D
ah internet curfews. i think my internet usage will get pulled soon if i use it as much as i have been since i got on holidays XD
It's all right. It's 10pm school nights and midnight on Fri and Sat. Mainly it's for the boys and it is really annoying if I'm talking to someone (usually Patricia) but it IS good in the sense that I then ~generally~ go to bed at a reasonable hour. I often just open up a bunch of fic in tabs before it gets shut off so I have all that to read. :P
By the way, do you use gmail chat?
i totally need an internet curfew but flisting takes FOREVER and then when i want to post things i have to format my entry and it takes time.. not to mention that i go on LJ, FB, Twitter and gmail XD
i have gmail chat but i don't really use chat services that often lol. i'm dtrilfan@gmail.com. if you're online i'll chat to you ;D but right now i have to run (and eat watermelon and watch DVDs. woo)
Hah actually my stepmother asked me before if I'd checked my email, and I was like "Anne I am checking my email every minute of the day, practically."
I'm alexilupin at gmail (as you may well have guessed). I'll add you. Yeah I only use gmailchat, and mainly it's been for merlinaustralia people anyway. I use it to talk to Patricia quite a lot so if I'm around I'll usually be signed in.
Oooh, DVDs - which ones?
ooh you have FB! link me to yours? i'm tempted to get a Tumblr but i'm refraining because i KNOW i will be permanently glued to it and i can't afford that level of procrastination! not when i'm so bad already XD
I am checking my email every minute of the day
rofl, me too! *high fives*
okie doke. how do i know if you've added me? you're not showing up on my listy thing D:
i ended up watching Sherlock that night :)
I friended you on FB. :)
Tumblr... is good for what it is, but I prefer LJ.
idk, you're showing up on my listy thing :/
I've got Sherlock on just now! :P
i practically LIVE at LJ. no seriously. i'm not sure how healthy that is LOL. i do have basically every other account (twitter, fb, dw) but i don't use them much.
after i posted this comment it popped up with a request from you XD
i Incepted you. obvs :P
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